Guest Post – Tesa Baum, Five Simple Reiki Principles To Live By Today

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meditationMore and more people are turning to alternative therapies like Reiki to improve their health and wellness. In addition to stress and anxiety, Reiki can assist in the treatment of diseases like lyme, asthma, cancer, diabetes, infertility and epilepsy; it treats the whole body and not just symptoms. The holistic method eases the pain of more chronic diseases and helps reduce the negative side effects of drugs and other treatments. These five Reiki principles can help anyone lower the anxiety that can manifest itself in countless physical ailments when left untreated:

1) Don’t get angry today

When anger knocks at your door, the most sensible way to deal with it is to acknowledge it, observe it and, in so doing, let it go.

When anger knocks at your door, the most sensible way to deal with it is to acknowledge it, observe it and, in so doing, let it go. You may be surprised to find that you have a choice in how you react to situations. Just for one day, try breathing and just observing how your emotions feel in your body when you start to feel upset, instead of acting on them. You don’t need to push anger away- just keep observing and breathing until the anger dissipates. Eventually, it will!

2) Don’t worry today
The source of worry is fear of that one thing we can ever be absolutely sure of: change. Constantly worrying about what may go wrong in the future is a waste of the precious time you have on earth now. Do your best to prepare for what you want to achieve in the future, and then let it go, returning to live in the only time that actually exists- now.

3) Be grateful today

Try to look at every experience with new eyes.

Try to look at every experience with new eyes. In consciously appreciating what’s in front of us today, whether it’s our family members or the tiniest blade of grass, we can once again find our place in this tremendously beautiful tale of life.

4) Work hard today
The term “hard work” refers to devoted work on our inner selves. Working hard on yourself does not mean being hard on yourself, but rather committing to not being distracted by the worries and diversions of the material world, and instead staying in touch with your soul. This means appreciating the actual moment you are presently in. Instead of spending all your energy working hard for a specific goal in the outer world, instead work on devotion on the inside, where hardness has no place. Practicing awareness or meditation is a wonderful way to start.

5) Be kind to others today
Friendliness to all beings must include yourself. Look at your environment with a loving heart.

– Tesa Baum is a Reiki Master and Healer. Throughout her life, Tesa has had a strong and enduring interest in spirituality and the study of a deeper reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences. Shortly after graduating college, her interests led her to discover reiki and energy healing techniques. At that time, Tesa was working and living in New York City, and beginning a career in sales. She found that reiki and meditation were very healing and provided an essential balance to her hectic lifestyle. For more information, please visit