From Your Health Journal…..”A great article from the National Post by Davida Ander called Working Out Before Breakfast Helps Burn 20% More Body Fat For Equal Exercise. A study published by the British Journal of Nutrition found that exercising on an empty stomach in the morning can help burn up to 20% more body fat than exercising after breakfast. Researchers asked twelve physically active males to run on a treadmill at moderate-intensity. Some males exercised after an not eating all night plus not having consumed breakfast that morning, while others ate breakfast before their run. Ninety minutes after their workouts, participants were given a chocolate milk recovery drink. Later, they were given a pasta lunch and asked to eat until they were comfortably full. The study found that fasting exercisers had a smaller appetite later in the day, and did not consume more calories to compensate for early-morning hunger, compared to their peers who had eaten before their workout. As well, those who exercised on an empty stomach burned up to 20% more fat compared to breakfast eaters. So, this study suggested that working out on an empty stomach allows you to burn more fat, while other studies have found no difference in fat loss. Other factors should also be taken into consideration, such as metabolism, muscle mass and performance. Regardless, please visit the National Post site (link provided below) to read the complete article.”
From the article…..
Big news for hungry athletes and fitness fanatics: A study published online in the British Journal of Nutrition has found that exercising on an empty stomach in the morning can help burn up to 20% more body fat than exercising after breakfast.
Researchers from the University of Northumbria asked 12 physically active males to run on a treadmill at moderate-intensity at 10 a.m. Some males exercised after an “overnight fast,” having consumed no breakfast that morning, while others ate breakfast before their run. Ninety minutes after their workouts, participants were given a chocolate milk recovery drink. Later, they were given a pasta lunch and asked to eat until they were comfortably full.
Researchers found that fasting exercisers had a smaller appetite later in the day, and did not consume more calories to compensate for early-morning hunger, compared to their peers who had eaten before their workout. As well, those who exercised on an empty stomach burned up to 20% more fat compared to breakfast eaters.
Dr. Emma Stevenson and PhD student Javier Gonzalez were the lead researchers for the study.
To read the complete article…..Click here