The Role Model In You – Jim Johnson, Teacher, Coach, Motivational Speaker And Author

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Role Model
The Role Model In You
Today’s Guest – Jim Johnson

1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?

Jim Johnson, High School Physical Education Teacher, Varsity Boys Basketball coach and Motivational Speaker, and author of A Coach and a Miracle. Age 54. I presently work as a teacher and coach. Will be
retiring in June of 2014 to become a full-time speaker and workshop leader.

2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?

The person who inspired be to have a healthy lifestyle was my Dad. My Dad was my high school P.E. teacher and basketball coach. He loved to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle. He was a wonderful role model for me.

3. What did they do to inspire you?

My Dad practiced what he preached. He took great care of himself by exercising consistently, eating many fruits and vegetable and doing things in moderation. My Dad turns 80 this year and is still in
excellent health. I attribute that to the positive health habits he established early in his life.

4. How did their lesson change your life?

healthillustratedThe way my Dad lives his life inspired me to create healthy habits early in my life that I still maintain. My Dad always emphasized moderation in everything you do and take care of your health. He is a wonderful role model for me.

5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?

My personal mission is to be an outstanding role model who makes a positive difference in the world by helping others have their dreams come true. It was very important for my wife and me to be great role models for our son. We emphasized having an exercise plan, eat the right foods, and get enough rest. We also taught our son different ideas to help cope with stress such as meditation. My wife and I are both Physical Education teachers and #1 we want to be great role models for a healthy lifestyle for our students. We also research a lot on the most up to date health ideas that we share with our son and our students. My wife and I exercise almost every day.

6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?

My main message I share with my students is to lead an active person. I highly recommend that they find an exercise, sport, or activity that makes them a mover. We also share the most recent nutrition
information. I also believe that you have give children positive habits to deal with stress. Getting enough rest is a high priority.

A quote I love is: Live your life so when a child thinks of a person of integrity, they think of you.

7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?