Today’s Guest – Adrienne Smith
1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?
My name is Adrienne Smith. I am an elite athlete and media entrepreneur. I am a member of the U.S. women’s national tackle football team, the U.S. women’s national flag football team, and the Boston Militia (www.bostonmilitia.com – a pro women’s football team in Boston). As for my career, I operate two companies: Harlem Hip-Hop Tours (www.h3tours.com) and Gridiron Queendom (www.gridironqueendom.com).
Harlem Hip-Hop Tours is a tour company that provides educational field trips for schools and youth groups. The field trips focus on Harlem and NYC’s hip-hop industry. All of the field trips are “edutainment” in nature as they educate students about entrepreneurship, history, and the arts, while entertaining them as well.
Gridiron Queendom is a sports and edutainment company that provides online and live action content and events geared towards women and girls who play and/or are fans of American football.
2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?
As a child, my mother was instrumental in teaching me to eat healthy and stay fit. She was a home economist and studied nutrition in college. My mother was a superb cook and always ensured that I ate healthy meals, every day of the week. I was an athlete by nature and she always encouraged me to play outside versus playing videogames indoors, and was an integral part of the genesis of my love for organized sports.
3. What did they do to inspire you?
My mother led by example. She always ate right and loved to run. My father also served as an exemplary role model. He was an avid tennis player and kept playing tennis well into his 60s.
4. How did their lesson change your life?
The example my parents set showed me that health was a lifestyle. Eating right and exercising is not something you do on the weekends, or when you’re trying to fit into a certain dress. Staying fit and eating healthy is a way of life. It just became the way I lived – plain and simple. I’ve never dieted, nor done some crazy workout regiment. My mother and father showed me through their lives, the benefits of continual exercise and eating right.
5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?
Absolutely! As a professional football player it is imperative that I stay fit and make healthy eating choices. I have lots of girls and boys who look up to me and want to know how I achieved my athletic success. Whether I am speaking at a school, or coaching a football clinic, I always teach children that the first step to success is eating the right food. The body requires foods such as fruits, vegetables, and protein to perform at its best. I also teach that exercise is not only good for the body, but it also is important for stimulating the mind.
6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?
In addition to telling kids about the best foods for them to eat and the importance of playing outside or joining sports teams, I also tell them it is important to talk to their parents about eating right and exercising. Most children are at the mercy of their parents in terms of what food they eat. I try to reinforce and encourage kids to talk to their parents about eating healthily and to go on family outings such as hiking or bike riding so the whole family can adopt a healthy lifestyle.
7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?