From Your Health Journal…..”Most of my regular readers know how much I love the New York Times Health blog – I am always promoting their articles, and trying to draw traffic their way. Today’s article is called When to Retire a Running Shoe written by Gina Kolata, who did an excellent job on this story. I am an avid runner (jogger) – have been doing it for over 30 years. For me, it started in college as a way to reduce my stress. I found myself enjoying the great outdoors and nature as I ran. My University was on the Long Island sound, and my dorm window faced the water. Getting up at the crack of sunrise, and jogging along the road that hugged the water with the seagulls flying around me just brought me comfort. At the time, I did not even think about the health benefits, just the relaxation aspect.
But…..every now and then, my feet started hurting me. Even though my sneakers looked in good condition, I did not realize I had worn them out to some extent. I did wear jogging shoes back then, although they were not as scientifically made, nor a popular choice to wear at the time – not like today where you have dozens of choices. I always remembered when it came time to buy a new pair of running shoes, my pains mysteriously disappeared. I had always wondered, when is a good time to buy new shoes. Did I have to wait until I had pain? Today’s article discusses when is it time to buy a new pair of running shoes. Many of us cannot afford a new pair every month, as some of the top runner’s purchase. So, please take the time to visit the New York Times article (link provided below) to see when is the correct time to purchase new running shoes. It was well written and informative.”
From the article…..
Ryan Hall, one of the world’s best distance runners, used to pride himself on wearing his running shoes into nubs. No more. Now he assiduously replaces his shoes after running about 200 miles in them. He goes through two pairs a month.
“I know that my shoes could probably handle a couple of hundred more miles before they are worn out, but my health is so important to me that I like to always make sure my equipment is fresh,” he said.
Of course Mr. Hall, sponsored by Asics, does not have to pay for his shoes. Most of the rest of us do, and at around $100 a pair they aren’t cheap. Yet we are warned constantly to replace them often, because running in threadbare shoes may lead to injuries that can take months to heal.
So here’s a simple question: How do you know when your shoes are ready for those discard bins in gyms? And if you do get injured, is it fair to blame your shoes?
My friend Jen Davis runs more than 100 miles a week, like Mr. Hall, but has a different set of criteria for getting rid of shoes. One is that if they smell bad even after she washes them in her washing machine , it’s time for a new pair. She estimates she puts 500 miles on each pair of shoes.
Henry Klugh, a running coach and manager of The Inside Track, a running store in Harrisburg, Penn., says he goes as far as 2,000 miles in some shoes. He often runs on dirt roads, he said, which are easier on shoes than asphalt is and do not compress and beat up the midsole as much.
My coach, Tom Fleming, has his own method. Put one hand in your shoe, and press on the sole with your other hand. If you can feel your fingers pressing through, those shoes are worn out — the cushioning totally compressed or the outer sole worn thin.
To read the complete article…..Click here