A Role Model In My Life

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By Dr. T. K. Stone

joggersWhen I was a boy in the 1950’s living in Los Angeles, I had the great pleasure to have seen Jack La Lanne on TV so many times. He had a regular weekly, maybe daily, exercise program where he showed how easy it was to exercise everyday right in your living room. With only a chair for a prop to assist you in your exercises, he showed every possible way to exercise all the muscles of the body. He was quite the character and always had his dogs walking in and out of the TV screen. I remember them as white German Shepherds. His favorite saying was, “Exercise is King and Nutrition is Queen and when you have them together, you have a Kingdom.” He was one of my first inspirations as a kid to want to be like someone and he sure was strong. I remember seeing him on Groucho Marx’s “To Tell The Truth” TV program where he was asked all kinds of funny questions. Funny questions like, did he eat grass like a cow. Jack La Lanne just recently died and he was in his 90’s and he continued to exercise till his end. He invented the gym and patented so many different kinds of exercise equipment during his lifetime. He was on the 20/20 TV show several times and is very well know to us health nuts from the older generations. He is still an inspiration to me today.

seniorcoupleexercisesmallIn his late 20’s Jack La Lane had a lot of physical problems. He discovered a man named Paul Bragg who is also one of my inspirations. From Paul Bragg, Jack La Lane learned what one needed to do to be healthy. Paul Bragg still has books to be bought at the health food stores or on line today. I have follow Paul Bragg’s and Jack La Lanne’s lifestyle in my life and all I can say it is so much fun to be healthy. I don’t even get the flu and now in my 60’s, I still love to surf, ski, snowboard, windsurf and mountain as if I was a healthy teenager. Sad to say many of my friends from high school are dead from diseases, having operations and are using walkers. Paul Bragg’s lifestyle is what I call the “wild lifestyle” because that is the way all the carnivores and herbivores in the wild live. They live the “uncooked lifestyle” and being a Nature lover and an animal lover since I was very young, it was very easy to choose that lifestyle in my teens in the late 1960’s when I discovered it. Think about a wild herbivore and a wild carnivore. They do not cook their food. They also don’t have the diseases we modern humans have. You will never see a Thompson Gazelle drop dead from a heart attack while being chased by a predator lion. Wild animals also don’t get tooth decay, gum disease, colon cancer, lung disease and all the many diseases we humans get from the unnatural lifestyle we choose to live.

womanfitnessWhen I was a teenager, I read the book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Westin Price DDS and this played a big role in my choice in a diet to live by. He studied primitive peoples in the 1930’s and discovered that Nature is all ones need to be healthy on the planet. He also discovered what was the main problem with dental diseases, which he said was caused by the “foods of commerce.” The “foods of commerce” were white rice, while flour and white sugar. These substances had their vitamins, fats, proteins, fiber and everything else remove from their natural source. When they were introduced into a primitive culture, physical problems showed up very quickly on succeeding generations. So the moral of the story is, Nature for hundreds of millions of years is all ones need to be healthy on the planet. To be healthy like a wild lion or a wild elephant, just know they don’t cook their food and genetically, evolutionary and environmentally, we are all from the same mold. We are all related as part of Nature’s wild animal kingdom, we only choose to eat differently and make and manufacture stuff we call food. Nature will not call fast food foods, they have no energy in them and are lacking vital nutrients and when you eat them the body has to use energy to get rid of this non-nutritive stuff. Be wise eat what Nature has given us the way all animals do in the wild, uncooked.

– Dr. T. K. Stone is the author of the mind/body health eBook titled “The Fertile Ground” and you can read a sample at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/68203