The Health Of Today’s Children

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By Christie Korth, CHC AADP

overweightchildToday, we have an epidemic on our hands. Sadly, it’s our children who are suffering the most from this health crisis.

In fact, it is now estimated that children in today’s generation will actually be the first generation that will not outlive their parents.

How could this be happening?

Currently, we have an exponential rise in adult onset illness, like diabetes and obesity; showing up in children as young as 1 year of age. We also have statistics that show 1 in every 110 children has a learning disability like dyslexia, autism or ADHD.

What in the world is going on here? The answer is quite simple, actually.

Certainly there are many different environmental factors involved, but a key component is nutrition.

You are what you eat. We hear that phrase all of the time, yet- it is a phrase that we constantly ignore. We deny that there is a profound link between what we eat and how we feel, everyday.

What Do Our Children Eat?

Think about it. What does your child eat on a daily basis? If your child is on the SAD (Standard American Diet) it’s a safe bet to say that your child is eating a lot of the following:

* Chicken Nuggets
* Cheeseburgers
* Pizza
* Hot Dogs
* Bagels
* Macaroni and Cheese
* French Fries and High Fructose Corn Syrup-laden Ketchup
* Artificial Colors and Dyes
* Hormone and Antibiotic Infested meats, dairy and eggs
* Excessive amounts of Gluten
* Excessive amounts of Dairy
* Excessive amounts if Eggs

What is the SAD Diet doing to Our Children?

hamburgervectorWhen we eat a diet that is full of processed, denatured foods, we are going to live in a body that is ridden with disease. It is obvious that the above food list is not what our ancestors ate 50 years ago and strays far away from Great Grandma Betsy’s wisdom: “Eat your fruits and veggies everyday! Stay away from sugar, it will rot your teeth.”

The body can not complete it’s normal functioning on a diet consisting of Hostess Ho- Ho’s , Fritos and “McFrankenstien” Nuggets.

In the nutrition world, we have seen profound positive effects with children both physically and emotionally when reducing or eliminating the above foods and simply giving the child more fruits and vegetables and less processed, foods and sugar. If you suspect your child is sick, take a look at what’s in your cupboard, it may give you some clues as to why.

So, the next time you are in line at the fast food drive thru or your local grocery store, take the time to pay attention to what you’re eating. You will give the gift of health eating to your child.

Helpful Tips for Parents at the Grocery Store:

Shop around the outer perimeter of the grocery store. All of the “real foods” are found in the produce section, meat, deli, and dairy departments.

Stay away from packaged foods that have a long shelf life. Those foods are likely to contain hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and contain no vitamins or minerals needed for a growing child. Better products to choose are snack bars like Lara or Cliff Bars, Glutino Pretzels, Fresh Fruit, All natural fruit leather, whole nuts and dried fruits, etc.

Avoid boxed breakfast cereals. They are not whole grains as the box depicts, this is a marketing ploy. You should choose a real whole grain breakfast like brown rice pudding or oatmeal with nuts and berries.

Try different alternatives to dairy like soy and rice products. You can also replace milk with almond or coconut milk. Dairy contains the protein casein, which is difficult to breakdown in a child’s body. It also contains a significant amount of saturated fat. You are best to limit milk in your diet. Remember, we are the only species that continues to drink milk beyond infancy and from that of another animal. Keep in mind that 50-60% of Americans lose the ability to digest lactose after one year of age. Many experts feel milk is for babies, not for adults.

Avoid concentrated fruit juices, like Juicy Juice and use pureed juices, like Odwalla or Naked. These contain a lot more vitamins and significantly less sugar.

Eat organic foods as much as possible to unsure optimal nutrition and eradicate consumption of herbicides and pesticides, all of which effect brain functioning for children and adults.

Christie Korth is a Crohn’s disease survivor, author, certified health coach and holistic nutritionist who found her way to health and wellness after nearly succumbing to a severe case of Crohn’s disease. After harnessing the power of nutrition and gaining her health back, she then went on to be the founder and director of Happy & Healthy Wellness Counseling based just outside of NYC. She studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Columbia University and the Clayton College of Natural Health and is a certified holistic health practitioner with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Christie is the Corporate Nutritionist for Brain Balance Achievement Centers, where she designs the nutrition protocol for franchises across the country. Christie is a nutrition expert for Dr. Oz’s and frequently contributes nutrition articles to Long Island Parent Magazine. Christie is he author of The IBD Healing Plan and Recipe Book: A Guide to Releive Crohn’s and Colitis with Whole Foods. Christie lives in New York with her son, her husband, and her cat.

1 Comment

  1. The number of calories is always important but there are kinds of food out there which are
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    You can place the pre-packaged cheese in a strong freezer bag, squeeze all the air out
    and plop directly into freezer.

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