By Archie Ward
Xenadrine is marketed as a weight loss supplement and energy enhancer to people looking for an edge when trying to achieve their weight loss goals. When it was first released, one of its key ingredients was ephedrine, which was later banned by the FDA as an ingredient in dietary supplements due to a disproportionately high incidence of deaths associated with products that contained ephedrine. The manufacturers of Xenadrine reworked their marketing approach to promote Xenadrine as a weight loss supplement substituting other natural ingredients for the banned ephedrine. Xenadrine has been mostly successful in recovering from the taint of the ephedrine controversy but some people have avoided the supplement because they believe it is dangerous to take, but this is most probably an aftershock of the ephedrine
How it Works
Xenadrine, with or without ephedrine, works by acting to speed up the body’s metabolism through increasing the amount of adrenaline present to burn fat. This is done by stimulating the heart rate of the individual so that when combined with exercise and the fat breaking effects of the rest of the natural ingredients in the supplement, more fat is burned in less time than before. Xenadrine also causes a dehydration effect, because of increased body temperature, that can lead to weight loss through fluid loss.
Is it Safe?
There is no natural or artificial dietary supplement that can safely replace responsible nutrition and exercise in weight loss.
Does it Work?
While there are no conclusive and reputable clinical studies on Xenadrine working to promote weight loss there are ample studies that support why taking a diet supplement like Xenadrine could work. Cytodyne replaces the ephedrine with Bitter Orange which has been found to have a similar stimulating effect on the body. Combined with Guarana, a natural caffeine, and white willow bark which acts similar to aspirin and prolongs the effects of stimulants in the body; Xenadrine has all the elements to properly stimulate the body’s metabolism. The supplement also includes B complexes and high doses of Vitamin C, both water soluble vitamins that are necessary to fat burning but easily depleted in the body.
The DMAE Difference
While the combination of clinically proven weight loss supplements in Xenadrine may increase its potential to work for you, it is its inclusion of Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) as an active ingredient that may make it more effective than other over the counter diet supplements. DMAE has been proven to have a positive effect on elevating mood in some people and this can make it easier for them to stick to their diet plans and exercise routines.
– This guest post was written by Zilko Ravi, who works at this Aussie retailer of Xenadrine. Zilko trials a few different diet pill brands a year, in an attempt to separate the good from the bad.
From the webmaster…..Any questions regarding this post should be directed to the author through their web page or the comments section of this site. Publishing this article does not mean this web site, or people affiliated with this web site endorse the use of Xenadrine. We believe consulting with your physician is the way to find out what is best for each individual person.