The Role Model In You – Julie Zweig, MA, LMHC

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Role Model
The Role Model In You
Today’s Guest – Julie Zweig

1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?

My name is Julie Zweig, MA, LMHC. I am 52-years-old, however people tell me most everyday that I look 30. I am a Master’s Level Psychologist (ABD for PhD), in the Counseling Psychology field for nearly 30 years, and in Private Practice since 2002. I offer Verbal Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Rosen Method Bodywork, and Imago Relationship Therapy to Couples and individuals of all colors and sexual orientation, and to individuals, adolescent to elders.

2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?

No one as a child. First, as a teen at boarding school, several friends inspired me to eat more healthfully, and we spent our much of our free time running through the mountains of California. My best friend, encouraged me to eat more healthfully, and we exercised together. Then, at age 19, I became involved with the Seventh Day Adventists who taught me the eight laws of Health that I have lived by for 35 years: The acronym NEWSTART stands for: N: Nutrition, E: Exercise, W: Water, S: Sunshine, T: Temperance, A: Air, R: Rest, and T: Trust. Most importantly, when I began my training in Rosen Method Bodywork at the age of 33, the Teachers were superb role models of Health on all levels.

3. What did they do to inspire you?

My Rosen teachers inspired me by example to become my authentic self, take care of myself, and let go of my past. All of my teachers looked far younger than their years, lived their lives on their own terms, and through receiving sessions in this modality, we all became more at ease in our bodies, and with other people due to dropping our barriers to connection to ourselves, others and what is beyond us. We all became more spacious, radiant and vibrant, and at ease in the world.

4. How did their lesson change your life?

I became a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner (one of my true callings in life), and reaped the benefits of receiving sessions during training. I became more vibrant, radiant, free, youthful and alive. I love my career, and have had the courage to be myself. Helping Couples, Mothering, hiking and yoga are other passions of mine, and feel like some of the other true callings of my current life. Eating healthfully just comes organically (no pun intended), through the Rosen Method Journey.

5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?

Kids have always approached me often, and now that they see me parenting, a few say directly that they wish I were their Mother. They talk to me freely. I have an 8-yr-old son, whom I adopted from Ethiopia when he was 12 months old. I teach him and other kids to listen to their hearts, and to do the right thing for it’s own intrinsic value (in kid language). I praise my son whenever I catch him doing the right thing, and I do this with other children, especially when I see their parents shaming, blaming or criticizing them. I make my son a delicious organic lunch and snack every day for school (many kids want his lunch!), and my son is teaching his peers about eating healthfully. My son is a role model to his peers, as he glows with health, strength and intelligence. We do not have a TV, so he reads and connects socially with most everyone. He is everyone’s darling, and a teacher/leader. After reading a research study about this, I tell my son every night as he is falling asleep, “I believe in you”.

6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?

Limit TV and video games, read books, listen to your heart and believe in yourself. Eat well, drink water, limit junk food, play outside freely (exercise) and live life!

7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?