Many health and wellness web sites are always looking for ways to improve their Alexa ranking, Google ranking, social media skills, and SEO. The Tech Tools section of this web site will have basic tips from experts and non-experts alike who will share their successes with the audience of this blog. Hopefully, they will help anyone who has their own web site improve the sites popularity.
If you have a tip, use the contact link above to send it along.

“For us, the marketing strategy that worked the best in 2012 was definitely building and expanding Google+ accounts for our clients. Although Google+ doesn’t have the popularity of Facebook or Twitter, having a well-balanced and fully filled out account turned out to make a huge difference to filters on search engines. By using social networking to build our clients circles of friends and followers, we have not only gotten word about their products and services out through our own updates, but helped them achieve a better rank on multiple search engine sites as well.”
– Kate Dinkel