Today’s Guest – Kathryn Williams
Had I realized the power of filling one’s passion I would have pursued a career in the creative world of art instead of all of the years I spent in business. I am happy I learned this ultimately and I am sure my business experience helps me navigate the waters of my own business but physically, I believe I would be further in my pursuit today if I knew this earlier.
If you are wondering what you want to do in your career, think about what makes you happy today. What do you do in your spare time that gifts joy? For me, I spend hours writing and drawing but I didn’t pursue this because I didn’t think I could support a comfortable lifestyle as an artist. After reaching a $100,000 plus annual salary, I realized if you do not love what you are doing, life is harsh and your career is just a job without any real fulfillment. Money is helpful in life but it doesn’t buy true joy. This is manifested through inner fulfillment.
My lesson manifested through health problems tied to on the job stress. My job was 24/7 with business crisis hours on the weekend and evening. I put in long days and traveled a lot too. It was difficult to achieve happiness while feeling unhealthy and exhausted. I was afraid to transition into a career after many years in business but in 2008, I lost my job shortly after losing my father and, during this time, I decided I needed to put my energy into making a positive change in the world. Today I use my art as a path to healing I offer to my community.
My area of expertise offers testimony to the therapeutic powers of the creative spirit. Creative endeavors align the mind, body and spirit. This is a life tool that many do not realize and it is my mission to surface this holistic path to those in need of it. I have a healthy living column on, I am an artist and published author and I am a graduate student currently in a Mental Health Counseling program. I have overcome many life hardships, an upbringing touched by poor economics, domestic violence and alcoholism, divorce and job loss as an adult, bereavement and much more. I am healthy today because of my creative spirit.
– Kathryn Williams, Artist/author, Lifetime Art Impressions, LLC