From Your Health Journal…..”Another great article from EMaxHealth that I encourage you to read on their site about Americans and shorter life spans. The US spends more per person on healthcare than any other nation. Americans die younger and have more illnesses and accidents on average than people in other developed nations.
From the article…..
Despite the fact that the United States spends far more per person on healthcare than any other nation, Americans die younger and have more illnesses and accidents on average than people in other developed nations. These sad statistics include wealthier, insured, college-educated Americans. The study, which was released no January 9, was prepared by the Committee on Population and was sponsored by the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. Of course, this is very upsetting to read, and hopefully, this trend will begin to change soon. Busy lifestyles, sedentary habits, poor eating, and excessive use of technology are all contributing to this upsetting report. Please visit the EMaxHealth web site (link provided below) to read the entire article.”
The report examined the nature and strength of the research evidence on life expectancy and health in the US; it compared US data with statistics from 16 peer countries: other high income democracies in Western Europe, as well as Canada, Australia, and Japan. The panel reviewed the most current data, and it also examined historical trend data beginning in the 1970s; most statistics in the report were obtained from the late 1990s through 2008. The panel members note that they were shocked by the findings. For many years, Americans have been dying at younger ages than individuals in almost all other high income countries. Furthermore, the situation has been getting worse for three decades, especially among women. Not only are their lives shorter, but Americans also have a longstanding pattern of poorer health that is strikingly consistent and pervasive over the life course: at birth, during childhood and adolescence, for young and middle-aged adults, and for older adults.
The study found the US near the bottom of the peer countries for life expectancy, with high rates of obesity and diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung disease and arthritis, as well as infant mortality, injuries, homicides, teen pregnancy, drug deaths and sexually transmitted diseases. The shorter life expectancy for Americans largely was attributed to high mortality for men under age 50, from car crashes, accidents and violence. The investigators note that many of these conditions have a particularly profound effect on young people, reducing the odds that Americans will live to age 50. In addition, for those who reach age 50, these conditions contribute to poorer health and greater illness later in life.
To read the full article…..Click here