Today’s Guest – Sharone Hakman
1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?
My name is Sharone Hakman, I’m 32 years old and I’m a chef, Ceo of Hak’s BBQ sauces and TV personality.
2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?
I couldn’t say it was one person in particular. I grew up with a very Mediterranean diet so that was a big help and loved to play sports. I’d guess I lucked out :). If I had to pick someone who taught me about love and appreciation for food, hands down it would be my grandmother.
3. What did they do to inspire you?
She was a tireless woman. From sunrise to sunset my grandmother would be in the kitchen cooking. Only later in my life did I really come to understand the hard work and energy it took. She cooked from the heart and you could feel it in every bite you would take. That was something you couldn’t learn in culinary school.
4. How did their lesson change your life?
Her Discipline and perspective is everything. It’s a challenge, practically impossible in life today to do everything whole heartedly, and yet my grandmother is able to do that. She is a holocaust survivor and yet able to forgive faster than anyone I’ve ever met. She teaches me that words are just words and that actions and one’s attitude is paramount. It’s not easy, but I try to live by those lessons.
5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?
Absolutely. I have two kids of my own and although they’re very young I keep that in philosophy in our home. I also spokesperson for the American Heart Association in Los Angeles. I make every effort to get kids and their parents excited about eating healthy and being active.
6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?
My message would be to embrace the culture of living a healthy lifestyle. It’s easier done than said in my case. I find when I host events and simply show kids and parents how much fun it is to cook healthy TOGETHER and commit to getting outside and doing something active TOGETHER their eyes just open and it’s like they found a new light.
7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?
Yes. – sharonehakman.com