The Role Model In You – Dr. T. K. Stone, DDS Specialist In Dental Reconstruction

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Role Model
Dr. T. K. Stone
As part of the new web series, The Role Model In You — here is the most recent interview. The Role Model In You series discusses how individuals were influenced as a child to lead a healthy lifestyle. It covers who influenced these individuals, the changes they made in their life to be healthy, and the message they would like to convey to the youth of today. Our guests include doctors, soccer stars, Super Bowl champions, NBA players, Olympic gold medalist, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and just regular people looking to share their story. We hope you enjoy it!

1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?

Dr. T. K. Stone; DDS specialist in dental reconstruction; I am 63; I was a dental technician and laboratory owner then became a dentist, taught for many years at two different dental schools and was in private practice for 25 years.

2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?

As a boy growing up in Los Angeles in the 1950 the very first person to inspire me in physical fitness was Jack La Lanne. He had a daily exercise show on TV and I watched it all the time as a child. I remember him saying “Exercise is King and Nutrition is Queen and when you have both, you have a kingdom.” I also have to give credit to my childhood dentist because he gave me the first health book I ever read. It was “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Westin Price when I was 18 years old. After reading that book, I went to a health food store and discovered the writings of Dr. Arnold Ehret and Dr. Paul Bragg. All these doctors inspired me to live what I call the “wild lifestyle” to be healthy. This lifestyle means you don’t cook your food and eat Nature’s foods like the rest of the animal life on the planet. Dr. Paul Bragg was Jack La Lanne teacher who inspired him to become healthy when he was severely ill in his late 20’s, unprocessed.

familyrunning3. What did they do to inspire you?

As a child I loved Nature and animals, which I still do. All these doctors were concern with human health issues. They all pointed out the differences between the way we live as modern humans and the way wild animals and human primitives live. The major differences are wild animals don’t get the diseases we humans get. Go to a Natural History museum and see 65 million year old dinosaurs skeletons with perfect teeth, no dental diseases. They didn’t brush their teeth or use toothpaste and didn’t get dental diseases. The main difference then and today is, wild animals don’t cook their food. Cooking destroys the vital nutrients in the food and we become deficient and unhealthy because of it. These doctors and many others support living the way Nature intended all animals to eat and that is uncooked.

4. How did their lesson change your life?

The first thing I noticed when I was 18 and only after a few days of eating the uncooked diet, I was no longer constipated. This is all about fiber and its brushing action on the gastrointestinal tract. Cooked vegetable fibers loses their physical properties and the food moves very slowly through the GI tract. Wild animals don’t get colon cancers and many say, in humans, we get it because of the low fiber content in our diets and the fact that heat destroys the properties in the vegetable fiber. The most important experience on the uncooked diet lifestyle is you have abundant energy and that is the most fun part.

5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?

I am a committed teacher and talk about health everyday to anyone who will listen. It is so much fun to be healthy with lots of energy. Energy to run, ski, surf, snowboard, windsurf, mountain bike and sex is fun when you have energy too. The sex part is for adults. All my past written articles are all about health. My new book titled “The Fertile Ground” is what my passion in life is all about and that is fun when you have energy. You cannot have fun without energy and health will prevent all the modern diseases that the wild animals on the planet don’t get. Being healthy will make you happy and that is the best part of life, happiness.

6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?

Look at how the wild animals live while they are growing up. Life for any young animal of Nature is having lots of fun playing in the open air and in the sunshine. They are not sitting in classrooms all day while growing. Exercise in the fresh air and sunshine with a unprocessed natural diet will allow you to be healthy and strong to enjoy this life. Just like any animal in Nature. You will have plenty of energy if you eat Nature’s uncooked diet. Having lots of energy is fun, just look at any young animals in the wild environments of this natural world.

7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?