Tech Tools – Carson Ward

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Many health and wellness web sites are always looking for ways to improve their Alexa ranking, Google ranking, social media skills, and SEO. The Tech Tools section of this web site will have basic tips from experts and non-experts alike who will share their successes with the audience of this blog. Hopefully, they will help anyone who has their own web site improve the sites popularity.

If you have a tip, use the contact link above to send it along.

Simple Tips To Improve Your Alexa Rank, Google Page Rank, Social Media Skills, And SEO.

The goal of almost every search optimization campaign is to increase revenue through higher visibility in Google. The best long-term method for doing so is generally a steady stream of quality content that begs to be shared. Google looks at the number and quality of sites that link to your content, and generally gives higher rankings to sites with the best/most links pointing to the page. Here is my advice to anyone who wants to be more visible online:

– Be surprising: What can you say that isn’t obvious or well-known? Can you interpret a new health study that seems counter-intuitive or tell them about a common health danger they are ignoring?

– Appeal to emotion: If you want people to link to and share your content, you need to win your readers hearts before you can win their minds. What can you talk about that fills them with awe or anger?

– Be visual: Our brains interpret images better than text, so visualization is best for the reader. Your images and videos can also give site owners a reason to link to your piece.

Once you have created a great piece that is surprising, visual, and emotion- nducing, you can tell your friends and peers about it. Connect with journalists and bloggers who care about the same things you do. Building these relationships can be fun, rewarding, and potentially profitable for site owners and writers.

– Carson Ward has worked in online marketing for the last seven years, and has
consulted with several Fortune 500 companies on large projects and worked with small companies on local search optimization. Carson is a consultant with Distilled, an industry leader in search marketing.