Immune Imbalances – Part 1

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by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC

healthywordsBacteria, viruses, yeast/fungus, and parasites are inside and all around us. Collectively, they are called microorganisms.

In a healthy person, good microorganisms—primarily bacteria and yeast—called normal flora are in a state of balance with ‘bad’ or more pathogenic strains. With viruses, the key is to keep their numbers in check and maintain a strong immune system. Parasites range in size from one cell (can only be seen with a microscope) to large tapeworms. The number of parasites can be controlled or eliminated.

Three factors determine whether your body becomes overwhelmed by immune challenges:

1. the number of microorganisms

2. the virulence or strength of the germs

3. your body’s resistance

Microorganisms vary in their virulence or infection-causing potentials. For example, lactobacillus is a useful strain while streptococcus is quite infectious. However, even pathogenic microorganisms are helpful in limited populations.

These “bad guys” play a role in digesting dead matter—old cells, mucous, and other microorganisms. Bacteria, viruses, fungus/yeast, parasites, maggots, flies, buzzards, and possums are all in the same category: scavengers—nature’s way of disposing of dead or decaying material. They are opportunists meaning they can only thrive when there is an opportunity

Regarding host resistance, French physiologist Claude Bernard said illnesses constantly hover above, but do not set in unless the terrain is ready to receive them. The body hosts many indwelling microorganisms; if you are healthy and strong, you rarely become ill. An internally clean body won’t support large numbers of harmful germs. In football language, “the best defense is a strong offense.”

Healthy people rarely get sick. Unhealthy ones with low immunity often “catch” illnesses. If the number of virulent microorganisms were the most important factor, health care providers would be ill all the time since they’re often exposed to patients who have lots of germs. The crucial factors in avoiding infections, then, are:

1. increase your resistance and stay vibrantly healthy

2. assist your body in controlling the numbers of immune challenges

Regarding #1, my book Radiant Wellness outlines seven keys to getting and staying optimally well

Regarding #2, nutritional-based healing methods help boost your body’s immune system and control overgrowth of bacteria, viruses, yeast/fungus and parasites. I recommend Nutrition Response Testing, Stressor Nutrient Balancing, System Strength Analysis, Contact Reflex Analysis, Applied Kinesiology, or the BioMeridian techniques.

Stay tuned for part 2 of this article shortly…..

Mark Pitstick, B.S., M.A., D.C., has over forty years experience and training in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and holistic private practice. His training includes a premedical degree, graduate theology/pastoral counseling studies, masters in clinical psychology, and doctorate in chiropractic. His book Radiant Wellness: A Holistic Guide for Optimal Body, Mind and Spirit was endorsed by Drs. Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Bernie Siegel and others. Mark has been a frequent radio and TV guest and hosted a nationally syndicated radio show. He has presented many workshops on holistic health and spiritual awareness. He has been a review editor and regular contributor to many magazines and e-zines. Mark founded the Radiant Wellness Center and the Stressor-Nutrient Balancing healing method.

Disclaimer: Listing improvements of past patients’ problems does not imply a guarantee for those with similar conditions. I do not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. I do teach people and health care professionals how to assist the body in healing itself of imbalances.