by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Continued from part 1 of this article…..
Whenever possible, assist Mother Nature’s attempts to heal and cleanse:
– Minimize use of antibiotics because they kill normal flora and upset the balance of “good” and “bad” microorganisms.
– If you must use antibiotics, also take whole food supplements to reestablish populations of good bacteria and yeast.
– Eat the “real food” diet. Strictly limit your intake of sugar, junk food and excess carbs. Microorganisms feed and over-populate with a high sugar diet.
– Ensure normal elimination of wastes by regular bowel movements, urination, deep breathing and sweating.
– Remember the healing power of extra rest and sleep.
– Moderate sneezing and coughing eliminate wastes from the sinuses and lungs so don’t suppress these cleansing routes. However, if severe coughing is stopping you from resting, use natural preparations such as B & T brand homeopathic products to dry the sinuses and suppress coughing.
– Likewise, diarrhea and vomiting clear out the gastrointestinal tract and stomach. Within reason, let these processes run their course. Ditto for skin rashes, boils, pimples and other secondary eliminative routes to remove wastes.
– Whenever possible, don’t suppress a fever by using tepid baths or drugs. For children, a fever up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit orally is good because it kills pathogenic microorganisms. However, always consult your doctor since managing a fever depends on the patient’s age, health status, and whether the symptoms are significant or extended.
– Use common sense in avoiding exposure to those with an active infection.
– Avoid flu and other vaccinations that directly inject live or weakened bacteria or viruses into your body and past the normal immune defenses.
– Avoid over-the-counter and prescription drugs that decrease the acid levels in your stomach. Sufficient gastric juice acidity is needed for a variety of reasons including killing off pathogenic bacteria that enter via the stomach.
I know this isn’t the most pleasant subject, but it’s one you need to understand so you and your loved ones can look, feel and be your very best. In my clinical experience, many people suffer with physical and “mental” symptoms because of immune imbalances. Now you know what to do about it. Let me know if I can help you, your family and friends.
– Mark Pitstick, B.S., M.A., D.C., has over forty years experience and training in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and holistic private practice. His training includes a premedical degree, graduate theology/pastoral counseling studies, masters in clinical psychology, and doctorate in chiropractic. His book Radiant Wellness: A Holistic Guide for Optimal Body, Mind and Spirit was endorsed by Drs. Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Bernie Siegel and others. Mark has been a frequent radio and TV guest and hosted a nationally syndicated radio show. He has presented many workshops on holistic health and spiritual awareness. He has been a review editor and regular contributor to many magazines and e-zines. Mark founded the Radiant Wellness Center and the Stressor-Nutrient Balancing healing method.
Disclaimer: Listing improvements of past patients’ problems does not imply a guarantee for those with similar conditions. I do not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. I do teach people and health care professionals how to assist the body in healing itself of imbalances.