By Kac Young PhD, ND, DCH
All the talk in the New Year about resolutions won’t get you anywhere but disappointed. Statistics show that only 8% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions are successful.
Why is that? Are we all losers?
Far from it. There is a definite secret to making changes stick. You can make all the resolutions you want but until you change your beliefs, you will not succeed. The way to change your reality is to change what you believe.
• Your beliefs are your motivating drivers. They are the convictions, opinions and views that you have accumulated and that represent you.
• Your beliefs are positions and philosophies that you endorse.
• Your beliefs express your attitudes and your way of thinking and looking at things.
• Your beliefs dictate your approach and outlook to life.
• Your beliefs are the core of your truth.
• What you believe is what you stand for.
If you are not getting the results you want in your life, (money, love, health, fame, weight, job, friends, etc.) then you need to change what you believe about yourself before you will create the change you want to see.
Step One: Carve out some quiet time for yourself, get out a piece of paper and a pen (note: hand write this step because it will mean more if you do).
Take about ten deep breaths so your body relaxes and lets go of the day’s stress. As you relax, allow your mind to consider any resolutions you have made.
When you have them in your mind, write them down. One at a time, consider the resolution and what you believe about it. Ask yourself:
• Do I believe I can accomplish this change?
• Do I believe that I am not worthy of this change?
• Do I believe there are too many obstacles to change?
• Do I believe my thinking blocks my change?
• Do I believe I have the courage to change?
• Do I believe others will have negative opinion about my change?
Step Two: Once you have written the answers down, repeat the process for each thing or condition you want to change. When you have completed all the answers to all of your resolutions, ask the following of yourself:
• How do these beliefs affect my life?
• Are these beliefs actually true?
• Do these beliefs benefit my life?
• Do these beliefs support the life I want to live?
• Are these beliefs someone else’s voice?
Step Three: Take the next few moments to create new beliefs about yourself and about the change(s) you want to make.
Form the new beliefs in your mind like this:
• I now choose to believe I have the power, tenacity, and courage to ___________.
• I believe I have the knowledge and the intelligence to ______________.
• I honor and trust my mind, body and soul to make this change in a whole and balanced manner.
• I feel safe and supported in my desire and intention to _________________.
Step Four: Take the time to write your positive statements and convictions down. You want to be able to repeat these affirmative statements to your mirror every morning. Sheer repetition will turn your new beliefs into your new reality.
You now possess the secret to changing your life through changing your beliefs. Use this formula for everything you want to make better in your life. And be sure to pass it on. Everyone should be able to share the secret for success.
– Kac Young has a PhD in Natural Health, a Doctorate in Naturopathy and a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She is a former television producer/director, a licensed Religious Science Minister, a spiritual counselor and the author of 11 books. Please visit www.kacyoung.com.