Guest Post – Melvin Marks, Health Benefits Of Grass Fed Beef

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grassGrass fed beef is nothing new; it has been around for 1000’s of years. Grass fed animals are raised the way nature intended, starting with their mother’s milk, then grazing contently on grass in fields and pastures their entire lives. Grass fed beef cattle tend to be healthier, not needing daily antibiotics and growth hormones. This means that there are no residues to be carried over in the meat that we buy.

Today, 95% of the beef that is raised in the United States is finished, or fattened in huge feedlots. This was started in the 1950’s because of cheap corn to feed and having all of the cattle together in one place makes them easier to handle. These cattle start out on grass, but are then moved to feedlots for finishing.

Vitamins A, C, D and E are found in higher amounts in grass fed beef.

Recently, many studies have been done on the benefits of returning to grass fed beef. Grass fed beef has more vitamins and minerals than most beef and has more good omega 3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Vitamins A, C, D and E are found in higher amounts in grass fed beef. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are also found in their proper ratio for human health.

CLA is 2-3 times more abundant in grass fed beef, and this is good news to us. CLA helps us to lose weight and keep it off by increasing your metabolic rate and normalizing thyroid function. It prevents hyperthyroidism, which prevents weight gain.

When you buy grass fed beef, you also get more protein and less fat. When you purchase regular beef that is 75% lean, it means that 25% of what you are paying for and eating is fat. 25% of your purchase is wasted on empty calories. The small amount of fat that is in grass fed beef is actually good for you, the fat contains the same vitamins and nutrients that the meat does, so there is no waste!

Preparing and eating grass fed beef is a new and flavorful experience for those who have not tried it. The hearty flavor of grass fed beef steak is something to be savored. We need to get our families back on track- eating healthy, nutritious food that you can truly enjoy.

Grass fed beef has many health benefits, from getting extra vitamins and minerals, to losing weight and preventing obesity. The best part is that it is not hard to do and you can enjoy it. Please visit for more information and to try grass fed beef for your family- you will not be sorry that you did!

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