Fixing Childhood Obestiy

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From Your Health Journal…..”An excellent article which summarizes the childhood obesity problem as well as how to make small changes to fix it. Obesity among children is a large issue, and change is needed immediately. Teaching habits at a young age will carry over into adulthood. Reducing the liquid candy, getting physical activity, eating nutritiously, and cutting back on technology will help solve the problem for a good majority of children. Change will not happen overnight, but with patience and persistence, over time, children will benefit.”

From the article…..

Despite the rising number of overweight and obese children in the U.S., parents can take steps to keep their children fit and healthy, says Kim Fenbert, a pediatric nurse practitioner with the GVSU Family Health Center. In the column below, she discusses how parents can lead the way by modeling diet and lifestyle changes.

Childhood obesity is rapidly reaching epidemic proportions in the United States. Since 1980, the number of children who are overweight has tripled, and the prevalence among younger children (age 2 to 5) has more than doubled.

Overweight children are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, sleep disorders and liver disease. They also are at risk for developing problems such as eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression and behavior and learning problems and are at an increased risk of teasing and bullying.

Pediatric obesity is the result of poor food intake, lifestyle and activity.

Twenty percent of obese 4-year-old children will grow up to become obese adults; 80 percent of obese teens will continue being obese into adulthood.

There are substantial racial and ethnic differences in obesity prevalence among U.S. children and adolescents. From 2009 to 2010, 19.6 percent of males and 17.1 percent of females 12 to 19 years old were obese. Of these children 26.5 percent were Hispanic males, compared with 22.6 percent of black males and 17.5 percent of white males. Prevalence of obesity was higher among black females, at 24.8 percent, compared with 14.7 percent of white females and 19.8 percent of Hispanic females.

Make some lifestyle changes

You might be asking, then, what you can do to help your child. The best way is to make changes as a family. Be a role model for your children. If they see you being active and eating healthy foods, they will be more likely to be active, eat healthy foods and continue those behaviors into adulthood.

To read the full article…..Click here