By Cindy Nolte
Continued from part 1 of this article…..
Let’s explore the connection between parent and child and why this phenomenon seems to exist. Almost from the moment your child is born they recognize you. They are drawn to you. You develop mom or dad ears that allow you to hear them from a sound sleep. You have a connection that lets you know if they are happy or sad and even if they need you before they tell you. You can feel the mood your child is in even before they tell you what is going on. All of this is possible from an energetic connection that is formed at conception. This connection does not just allow helpful information to be shared. It also creates a link in which energy is shared between child and parent.
Exploring this theory further, you can see synchronicities between disharmonies that appear different, but are in reality only appearing different due to the layer of the energetic field that they show themselves. A parent who feels stuck or unable to move forward in life may have a child with issues in their lower extremities (legs, feet, ect.). A parent unable to grasp life may have a child with arm, hand or finger disharmonies. At first glance this may seem unrelated, however we also must consider that the child’s life experiences affect their energetic field as well, thus their vulnerabilities can appear in different layers of their etheric field-each governing a different part of the whole person. (body/mind/spirit) Depending on the layer of the etheric field that is most vulnerable, the disharmony can show itself to be physical, mental or emotional.
The human energetic field is made up of layers that govern our being. Life experiences can strengthen or weaken these layers. As stated, our connection to others can affect your energy as well. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects are all represented within these layers. As vulnerabilities occur, if this energetic change is left unattended it can affect others we are connected to as well as other layers within our own energy.
We are human. We will get aches, pains and other mind/body/spirit disharmonies that are not in our control. Control what you can and focus on maintaining positive energy. If this energetic connection exists, what does this mean? Take care of yourself and you will also be caring for your child. Relieve your stress; have babies that sleep through the night. Do you want well-balanced grounded children? Exercise and be grounded yourself. The positive changes you make today may impact your child and even your grandchildren someday. You will be surprised at the balanced household you can create.
– Cindy Nolte is a television talk show host, lecturer, author, motivator and has a private practice. Cindy holds certifications (in): Reiki Master/Teacher, Animal Reiki Master/Teacher, Karuna Reiki ® Master /Teacher , Hypnosis, Hypnosis-Instructor certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, Jin Shin Jyutsu ® Practitioner, Past Life Regression Hypnotist, the Life Transformation Method, Energy Releasement, IET ® ( Integrated Energy Therapy ®) Master-Instructor, Sound Therapy, Group Fitness Instructor, and Certified Medium. Cindy is the founder of Fresh Look on Life, Co-founder of Crazy Good Radio. Cindy resides in Augusta, NJ with her husband Jerry, where she has a private practice and offers: consultations, coaching, workshops, and lectures and certifications. For more information on Cindy Nolte please go to