By Samuel Addison
The Center for Disease Control claims most oral diseases are actually avertible. Provided you have a good oral care routine in place, you can dramatically reduce the likelihood of developing any oral problems.
Fortunately, a good dental regimen does not have to be complicated. Flossing, coupled with regular brushing and a biannual dental visit thrown in, form the basics of a solid preventative regimen.
However, over the years, dentistry has evolved so much, and all for the better. With this evolution comes cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry.
What exactly are these two and how are they different from one another?
Cosmetic Dentistry
Considered a part of restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry works by improving smiles and pearly whites to a level that reflects natural symmetry, harmony, and of course beauty. Simplified, it entails producing a smile that is not there to begin with. Putting it another way, it is sometimes referred to as the art of producing restorations that are not easily noticeable by the eye, alongside a smile that will accurately mimic nature.
Common examples of cosmetic dentistry procedures are the following:
• Whitening. Often referred to as “tooth bleaching”, it is deemed as one of the most common among the list of cosmetic dental procedures. While there are numerous whitening options currently available including over-the-counter options, whitening treatment supervised by dentists is still considered the top option.
• Veneers. Bespoke and ultra thin, veneers are porcelain laminates that are directly bonded to the teeth. In addition, veneers are sometimes considered an option to close teeth gaps or disguise teeth discolouration.
• Bonding. This process involves having a dental composite material that is enamel-like in nature applied to a surface of the tooth. After application, it is sculpted, hardened and then polished.
• Gum Lift. This cosmetic dental procedure is done for those who wish to raise and sculp the gum line. The procedure entails reshaping of the underlying bones or tissue to create the illusion of a more symmetrical teeth.
Aesthetic Dentistry
In a nutshell, aethetic dentistry involves more than just improving the appearance of your pearly whites. More importantly, it also involves improving oral health as a whole. In essence, its main aim is to generate the best possible outcome in terms of aesthetics, functionality and oral health.
Common examples of aethetic dentistry procedures are the following:
• Crown. Made from varied materials such as metal, composite and porcelain, crowns help improve not just the shape but also the alignment of teeth. Two appointments are needed for crown procedures. The first involves preparation of the teeth and the second visit involves the actual fitting.
• Bridge. Just like the crown, a bridge is a permanent fixture . Oftentimes, this is the alternative employed to replace a missing teeth. A bridge is anchored to the natural tooth in order to ‘bridge’ the gap so to speak. In addition, a bridge helps prevent drifting of the adjacent natural teeth.
Whatever your dental needs may be, it is reassuring to know that most, if not all dentists nowadays are equipped with both the knowledge and the technical skills to provide you with the dental treatments that will suit you best.
– Samuel Addison is a professional content writer with over 8 years of experience both in writing and internet marketing. Samuel started having interest in cosmetic dentistry when he himself undergone a dental operation 3 years ago. To learn more, you may navigate here.