Please show support for children with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS)
This video really explains and helps you understand what PWS truly is…..
Prader Willi Syndrome is a congenital condition that significantly reduces muscle mass and causes cognitive delays. A common symptom of PWS is insatiable hunger, which often leads to obesity and can be life-threatening if left uncontrolled.
– Courtesy of The Doctors TV Show
Len,Thank you so much for sharing this video on your blog. Today is a victory for our PWS Community. We know that much more awareness is needed in order for the general population to understand this bizarre syndrome. We will continue to educate those who do not understand yet, how debilitating this is for our children. To learn more about our foundation for our son go to: We will find answers!! Diane Seely
It is a great cause Diane, and I hope my readers are moved as I was watching the video. I will check out the web site.
Thank you SO much. I have a 2 year old daughter named, Jada Skye Martinez with PWS. We live in Boston, MA. The show had me in tears literally. Thank you all for spreading awareness for all of us who deal with this everyday. Learning more each time and reaching a goal each time. That is to eliminate all challenges of PWS! God Bless!Madelyn R. and family
Thank you for the show on pws…. the world need to know what this syndrome is!!!!! my granddaughter JADA skly have it……And she is the world to us we did not know what it was..UNTIL she was born…thak you.