Super Simple Tips To Help Kidney Problems Down The Road – Part 2

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By Monica Moran

Continued from part 1 of this article…..

fruitswhite3. Make Sure That You Drink Plenty of Fresh Fruit/Vegetable Juice

Now don’t feel that drinking juice will result in you becoming a super human being who can’t get any sort of diseases. But you should look at it as something you should do to help improve the health of your kidneys and your overall health and well being.

The other great benefit of drinking fresh vegetable juice on a regular basis is that it will allow your digestive system to become extremely efficient, which of course will result in it being able to absorb all the excess water in your body with great ease, and at the same time get rid of all the waste products that are floating about.

However if you happen to be a person that is suffering from kidney stones then you must totally avoid making juice from spinach, collard greens and beets. The reason for this is that these vegetables are naturally higher in oxalic acid which actually causes more and more kidney stones from being made.

4. Make Sure You Start Eating Clean and Healthy

You need to know and appreciate that all that happens inside your body is directly the result of the foods that you put in your body.

If you happen to eat foods that are unhealthy and toxic in nature then it will ultimately affect the organs of your body in a negative way.

This is why I highly encourage each and every one of you to totally avoid consuming processed junk foods from now on.

So what should you be focused on eating?

Well, as your primary concern is to better the health of your kidneys… you should focus on those foods that will help keep them as healthy as possible. So in this case I’d recommend that you focus on eating things such as green tea, garlic, parsley, celery, asparagus and fish.

5. Work Hard To Take All The Right Supplements

healthillustratedThe number one supplement that I’d recommend you take is that of cranberry extract. The reason I’d recommend this is because it will actively protect your bladder while at the same time keeping the overall health of your kidneys in great condition.

So how is this red berry so effective in keeping your kidneys functioning in optimal condition? Well, it’s all down to their ability to prevent harmful bacteria from getting stuck on the outer lining of your kidneys.

Cranberries also have the power to reduce inflammation and on top of that they contain a wonderful amount of antioxidants.

For the best results, I’d recommend that you take at least 400 mg of cranberry extract a day.

On top of cranberry extract I’d recommend that you start taking vitamin D supplements. Lack of vitamin D in the system is linked directly to having serious kidney problems.

Ensure that you’re getting in at least 2000 IU of vitamin D a day.

You have to appreciate that your kidneys were designed to last for your whole entire life. Making sure that you look after them by implementing the tips that I share in this article will mean that you will enjoy a life with great health and vitality… exactly what you want.

– If you enjoyed this article then be sure to check out Monica’s blog over at There you’ll find some really interesting articles on a variety of different topics such as developing a positive frame of mind even though you have to deal with a disease! Do check it out, you might actually learn something really interested!