“Let’s SHAPE America through Dance”
May kicks off on a high and active note with National Physical Education and Sport Week, May 1-7. It’s part of the annual national month-long celebration of physical education and physical activity, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. We hope you will join us in shaping America. It all starts with school communities like yours! Coinciding with this year’s theme, “Let’s SHAPE America through Dance,” we’ve put together four free dance routines with fun lesson ideas to get students on their feet! Help us reach our goal of getting 100,000 students to participate!
Take your pick!
* The ever popular SHAPE America dance that made its debut in St. Louis at the National Convention
* Two Let’s Move! flash mob/dance routines
* Fuel Up to Play 60 Dance specially produced for ACES Day, May 7
Consider presenting your dance routine(s) during a special school or even community-wide event to help showcase how your school supports and values a physically active environment. Then, use our downloadable template press release to share with the local media.
We’ve also put together a few national resources to help you raise the standard of your PE program throughout the year as well as an opportunity to join us in our advocacy efforts stemming from this year’s legislative ask surrounding the PHYSICAL Act.
Don’t forget to share the fun and excitement of your May events on social media using hashtag #NATPEWeek and tag @SHAPE_America. Plus, visit our special webpage to get details on how to participate in a fun contest to win a SHAPE America swag bag full of goodies!
Visit National PE and Sport Week to get started!
– Submitted by Paula Kun, SHAPE America