Low Carb Ideas That May Help You Lose Those Unwanted Pounds

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junkfoodFrom Your Health Journal…..”A very good article in the India West web site by Dr. PJ Prakash called Low Carb Ideas That May Help You Lose Those Unwanted Pounds. I wanted to promote this article and bring my visitors to their site to read the complete article. The author is suggesting that lowering your carbohydrate and sugars intake in your daily diet can really help you in your weight loss attempt. You are more likely to have greater success in your weight loss efforts if you drink milk more on a regular basis. Milk is high in calcium and fortified with Vitamin D. Also, the protein, carbs and fat in milk are in the perfect balance. Studies have shown that increased calcium and Vitamin D levels equate to greater weight loss. Dr. Prakash does an excellent job informing and educating in his article, and I highly recommend your visiting the India West web site (link provided below) to view the complete article.”

From the article…..

While completely avoiding carbs and sugars is generally not very healthy for most people. However, decreasing these two items in your daily diet can really help you in your weight loss attempt. It will also make your progress move along much faster if you increase your protein intake simultaneously.

You are likely to have greater success in your weight loss efforts if you drink milk more often. Milk is high in calcium and fortified with Vitamin D. Also, the protein, carbs and fat in milk are in the perfect balance. Studies have shown that increased calcium and Vitamin D levels equate to greater weight loss.

For some people, at some times, a low-carb diet may really be the answer, at least in the beginning. The reason low-carb diets work is that your body normally uses carbs as a first fuel. When you give your body no carbs (the “induction” phase of most low-carb diets), your body needs to use something for fuel, and so turns to burning your own fat. These diets have proven very successful for many people, but should be undertaken with care as people do need some carbs in their diet. Most low-carb diets nowadays move from an induction phase into a much healthier maintenance phase, where “smart carbs” (high-fiber, lower-calorie choices) are reintroduced.

Carbs are cheap and tasty, but not really healthy or nourishing. It takes the digestive system a long time to process carbs, so long that a great deal of the potential energy in carbohydrate-rich food is converted directly into fat instead of being burned usefully.

While cutting back on carbs is a very effective strategy there has been a tradition for some time now to cut out carbs completely. This is a not a good idea, as it can lead to many health problems for you, including a general feeling of lethargy and lack of mental energy.

Avoid heavy meals in the morning, especially if they contain a lot of carbs. You will burn this type of food quickly and feel hungry again after a few hours. Eggs make an excellent breakfast since they are a good source of protein and will help you stay full until the next meal.

Consuming healthy carbohydrates is an effective way to lose weight. Processed foods like pastas and cookies are considered bad carbs and it’s typically a good idea to stay away from those. Combining a workout plan with a steady intake of healthy carbs like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts is a great way to lose weight.

To read the full article…..Click here