How To Lose Weight By Eating More

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By John Chandley

According to recent data from the Weight-control Information Network (WIN), over 30% of American adults aged 20 and above are overweight.

When we consider those that are overweight, obese, or extremely obese then this number is well over 70% of the American adult population.

Surprisingly, as you can see in this graph from the WIN, this has been growing very steadily for the past two decades.

overweight graph
Graph provided by guest author, John Chandley via the NIH

It’s easier to blame this growth on a lot of factors. We could chalk it up to the fact that:

• Due to technology and food availability, Americans are now being exposed to more foods, snacks etc. and as a result are eating more

• Technology and other luxuries are making people lazy and as a result making it difficult to exercise and burn calories

We could have other theories not listed in this article, but the reality is that the problem is with how most of us attempt to lose weight.

boyhamburgerIn reality, losing weight is as simple as burning more calories than you take in. This is why there are diets designed to control your calorie intake and why “weight loss experts” advice you to reduce the amount of food you eat.

In reality, this is often where the problem arises.

The weight loss problem a lot of people experience today is largely thanks to “weight loss control”; especially our food and diet intake.

With scientific backing, this article will be sharing top ways you can lose weight by eating more. It’s important to note that “by eating more” I’m referring to having your normal 3 daily meals as opposed to skipping meals just to lose weight.

Here we go:

1. Eat 3 Meals a Day

Surprisingly, contrary to the advice you’ll get encouraging you to limit your food intake to lose weight, the best way to lose weight is to have 3 meals a day; balanced diet.

The problem a lot of us have with weight loss comes from our cravings; after we miss an important food, we get really hungry and can’t control our hunger. To keep it low, we start buying snacks, taking this and that until we’ve consumed a lot more calories than we would have consumed had we only been eating our normal food.

2. Don’t Ever Skip Breakfast

Sometimes, you just can’t get your 3 meals a day.

That’s understandable, but make sure you don’t ever miss breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important food of the day and you should try not to miss it no matter the circumstance.

When you sleep at night, your metabolism slows down and you’re only using a very small amount of calories. When you wake up your metabolism increases and eating breakfast helps you increase your metabolism, thus burning more calories.

Breakfast also helps you avoid starvation and as a result prevents food cravings. You probably don’t eaten a few hours before you sleep at night, and 7 – 8 hours of sleep could mean you haven’t eaten in 10 hours. Skipping breakfast will often result in 15 – 17 hours without food for your body, leading to starvation and as a result craving. As a result, you keep eating snacks and when time comes to eat lunch, you eat a much bigger meal; this leads to increased calorie intake and more weight gain.


The effectiveness of this was proven in a 1985 study titled “Skipping breakfast: longitudinal associations with cardiometabolic risk factors in the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health Study

2,184 Australian children were surveyed every morning to confirm whether they’d had breakfast. Over 20 years later, the study noted that the children who skipped breakfast regularly as a child and as an adult had higher levels of cholesterol and fasting insulin as well as a larger waist size. They were also more prone to diseases like Type II Diabetes.

To further prove the importance of eating breakfast, long-term evaluation of weight loss success stories by the The National Weight Control Registry has shown that 78 percent of its members eat breakfast daily. Surprisingly, on average, their members have lost a total of 66lbs and kept it off for more than 5 years.


It’s indeed possible to lose weight, but gimmicks and tricks won’t work on the long run. Dieting alone would no longer be sufficient. It’s about addressing the fundamental causes of weight loss which is mainly our eating habits.

The purpose of this article is to help you with your weight loss goals via effective eating habits.

– John Chandley is a weight loss expert who constantly reviews effective diet and weight loss products on his blog.