Healthy Tip # 210

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Healthy tips courtesy of Ilana Fishof Muhlstein

fruitswhiteBoost the satisfaction of your foods by incorporating color, flavor, and variety in your diet. The natural color in fruits, vegetables and herbs signifies that the food is rich in powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals. For instance, the purple-red color found in beets is derived from betalain, a powerful antioxidant that may have cancer fighting properties. Natural flavor enhancers, such as onions, herbs, spices and vinegars, can also be added to several dishes and are wholesome, low calorie ways to elevate food’s flavor and help boost your satisfaction with your meal. Also, when your diet consists of a variety of healthy foods, you are more likely to stimulate your senses and meet your nutritional needs.

Ilana Fishof Muhlstein, Nutritionist