February Is 28 Days Of Heart Health

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From Your Health Journal…..”What an amazing article today from the Gazette via The American Heart Association discussing the month of February as Heart Health month. The American Heart Association is an great organization that really goes above and beyond to help people lead healthy lifestyles. Their 28 tips can help jump-start a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is on the rise throughout the world, so these tips will come in handy. Please visit the Gazette site (link provided below) to read the complete article and tips.”

From the article…..

February is Heart Month and it’s also a great time to begin a new heart healthy lifestyle. The American Heart Association (AHA) has put together 28 Days of Heart Healthy Ways to get you started. These simple daily tips can help jump-start a healthy lifestyle.

Being overweight and obese, especially among children, has emerged as a serious threat to our nation’s health. Approximately 145 million American adults are overweight and of these, 74 million are considered obese. Those numbers have risen rapidly among women, men and children of all racial and ethnic groups. And this trend is projected to continue.

Recent research suggests that obesity shortens the average lifespan by at least four to nine months, and if childhood obesity continues to increase, it could cut two to five years from the average lifespan.

Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable in men and women. One study found that if women adhere to five lifestyle choices involving diet, exercise, and nonsmoking, 83 percent of coronary events may be prevented. The following tips from the AHA can help individuals and families make small changes for a healthier life.

1-There’s a two-for-one bargain you can’t live without—exercise. You’ll gain about two hours of life expectancy for each hour of regular exercise you do. That’s quite a bargain.

2-Just 30 minutes a day can make a real difference in your health. Something as simple as walking can go a long way toward a healthy life.

3-You’re busy. You want to exercise, but when? Getting in daily exercise isn’t as hard as you think. Take time at lunch or right before or after dinner to walk, cycle, jog, skate, bike—every little bit helps.

4-Adding physical activity every day can be as easy as child’s play. Play with your children or pets before or after work. Jump rope, walk, or do Zumba with your friends.

5-Sitting at a desk all day, and in front of the TV all night isn’t good for your health. Find small ways to add activity throughout your day: take the stairs, park further away, take walks during lunch and after dinner.

6-Ever wonder why kids are so energetic? One word: recess. Adults need recess too.

7-Schedule in regular walk, cycle or play time before or after work or meals. Every little bit helps.

8-Labor-saving devices at home save us time, but cost us in physical activity. Turn them off and use elbow grease.

To read the full article…..Click here