Are Certain Foods Responsible For Your Depression? – Part 2

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By Kac Young ND, DCH, PhD.

Continued from part 1 of this article…..

boyhamburgerFast Food is also known to contribute to depression: People who eat fast food are 51 percent more likely to develop depression than those who don’t, according to a 2012 study in the journal Public Health Nutrition. (2) This includes commercial baked goods, hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, the researchers said.

The inflammation-linked diet consumed by the women in the study included lots of refined grains — including bagels, pasta and white rice — as well as soft drinks, red meat and margarine. This diet was also low in wine, coffee, olive oil and green leafy and yellow vegetables, study researcher Michel Lucas, Ph.D., a visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health. (3) This diet was considered linked with inflammation because it was associated with levels of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor α receptor 2 in the plasma; these are known markers of inflammation. (4)

If you think you have depression, get off the cycle of refined grains, fast foods and sugar. Replace those food traps with more whole grains (wheat or brown rice pasta) fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, lean and hormone free meats, reduce the amount of red meat and use chicken or turkey instead. Substitute soft sugary drinks for unsweetened drinks like water, pure iced tea, club soda or mineral water. You may use a small amount of fruit juice and add sparkling water to create your own refreshing drink. Say no to sodas.

Stay away from the fast food chains. If you must eat out choose Subway. Select whole wheat bread, go for the chicken, skip the cheese and stay away from the fatty dressings. Other chains offer salads, bowls of ingredients instead of tortilla-wrapped items and chicken or veggie instead of meat burgers. You can control how you feel by choosing what you eat. shows you how to treat your health and your body like the gifts they are.





(4) ibid

Kac Young, a former television director and producer, has earned a PhD in Natural Health and is a Doctor of both Clinical Hypnotherapy and Naturopathy. She is the author of 10 books. Heart Easy is a system of nutritionally sound, delicious meals that promote heart health, long life and taste great. In the Heart Easy Cook Book sound nutritional advice is followed by family favorites that have been turned into heart healthy meals anyone can make and everyone will love.