10 Foods Nutrition Experts Won’t Feed Their Kids

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From Your Health Journal…..”This blog likes to do reviews of various health stories around the internet. I strongly recommend my visitors to this site visit the Philly.com web site, as they have many great writers and articles, including the story in this review. They interviewed 10 nutrition experts to see foods that they would not feed their own kids, a great idea for a story. As you know, childhood obesity is on the rise, and so many children are already showing signs of heart disease, whether high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high insulin, physical inactivity or obesity. I encourage you all to visit the full article on the Philly.com web site to see foods your children should stay away from.”

From the article…..

In my quest to make the world of pediatric nutrition less confusing for parents, sometimes the simplest information is left out. Sometimes it seems like all you hear is, “Try this!” or “cook it this way instead.” I know you get a LOT of information about what, when, and how you should feed your kids.

I also know that sometimes you just want to cut through all of the mumbo-jumbo and know what NOT to feed your family. I am certain that there are several things that you don’t give your kids because you think they are too unhealthy. So, in a very fun experiment, I asked twenty well-respected, experienced, pediatric nutrition experts what foods they refuse to provide to their own children. The children range from 18 months to 20 years old, and each list I received seemed better than the next. So without further adieu, I give you…

The top 10 foods experts won’t bring into their home:

Sugar sweetened beverages– This was the overwhelming #1 item on everyone’s list and it includes soda, juice drinks, iced tea, lemonade, and powdered drink mixes. These beverages provide no nutrition benefit and are the #1 source of excess calories in adolescent diets. Drinks that were allowed: water (tap for filtered), flavored milk, seltzers, and 100% fruit juice.

TV dinners and prepackaged lunches– Another selection on almost every list, these items were banned due to high sodium contents, high fat, and minimal nutrition value (vitamins, minerals, and whole grains).

Packaged breakfast pastries– Whether you toasted them or ate them from the wrapper, these items ranked high due to large amounts of sugar and minimal fiber. Though it’s better than nothing in the morning, the experts preferred alternate convenience items like granola bars made with whole grain oats, fruits, and nuts.

To read the full article…..Click here