The practice of reflexology is an ancient and natural way of healing the body with its roots more than 5,000 years ago. To some, it is similar in theory to acupuncture because its core principles and target areas are the same for practitioners of both healing methods, but whereas in acupuncture the body is stimulated through the application of small, fine needs inserted into specified areas of the body, reflexology uses only therapeutic touch and focuses on the feet.
The science and practice of reflexology is based on the idea that the feet are like mini road maps to the entire human body. Practitioners of this healing method believe that every part, organ and gland in the body is linked to a corresponding reflex point in the foot. By applying specific pressure to a specific point in the foot, pain or other issues in the corresponding part of the body can be alleviated.
Reflexology ca be used to treat ailments in various parts of the body, working to alleviate the symptoms of various conditions.
Conditions commonly treated by reflexology include:
Menstrual cramps
Back and shoulder pain
Digestive issues
Migraine headaches
Sinus issues
Smoking and drug addiction
…and many more.
Reflexology helps the body to right itself, restore itself to ideal equilibrium. It relieves the buildup of stress, which is believed to be a common cause of many different conditions. Aside from working acutely to target specific conditions, however, reflexology has an overall calming effect, leading to feelings of mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. When positive energy is released, the body experiences a boost in overall energy and stamina, which can lead to a more productive life.
Reflexology is not a medical treatment; it is a natural healing method based in both science and art. It requires specific training and study to become a trained and licensed reflexologist. Although many people shy away from the practice because they believe it will be painful, the truth is that it is actually very rare to experience pain during a reflexology treatment. The sensations felt during a reflexology treatment are felt in the feet, not in the organs to which they correspond. Because of that, it is normal to feel some degree of soreness in the feet for a day or so after the session, but it is not really what could be considered pain. It is similar to the way one might feel following a massage.
These days, more and more people are trying different methods of healing their bodies, combining Western medicine with alternative treatment methods. Reflexology is no exception. It has gained popularity in recent years as a way to manage and treat the symptoms of a wide variety conditions. If you suffer from chronic pain, migraines, sinus pain, chronic allergies or any of a vast array of conditions and have never considered reflexology in Calgary, now could be a good time to give it a try. Always be sure you are dealing with a licensed reflexology practitioner!
– Submitted by Kashif Raza