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As the temperatures get colder this fall, it’s easy for kids to gravitate towards indoor and less active activities, it’s important to keep them moving, find out how.
The times, they’re changing, and it’s becoming even more difficult to keep kids engaged, happy, and well out of our hair. This can be especially hard when the cooler temperatures of Autumn and Winter set in, driving kids and adults alike indoors. Many people have used their friends: television, computer, and tablet as a distraction for children when they need 30 minutes of peace.
As parents, it’s not always easy, but are kids being exposed to too much technology? According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children spend an average of 7 hours a day using media including television, computer, internet, video games, and cell phones. In an ever growing media driven world, it’s becoming even more important to make sure your child is getting active every day.
So, how can children be encourage to get active? Show them that being active is fun. Exercise as a family by going for a nightly walk, jog, or having a family soccer game in the back yard. Getting children involved in activities outside of the home, (like The Little Gym) to help them appreciate a healthy and active lifestyle for years to come. Whether running, jumping, or tumbling, get moving with children to build the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits.