The Role Model In You – Allison M. Tibbs CEO & Small Business Marketing Coach

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Role Model
Allison M. Tibbs

As part of the new web series, The Role Model In You — here is the most recent interview. The Role Model In You series discusses how individuals were influenced as a child to lead a healthy lifestyle. It covers who influenced these individuals, the changes they made in their life to be healthy, and the message they would like to convey to the youth of today. Our guests include doctors, soccer stars, Super Bowl champions, NBA players, Olympic gold medalist, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and just regular people looking to share their story. We hope you enjoy it!

1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?

Allison Tibbs. Small Business Strategist for Small Business Owners, International Speaker, Trainer, and Author. 28

2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?

My stepmom was the first person to truly share with me the benefits and importance of living a healthy life.

3. What did they do to inspire you?

The most important thing that she taught me was how critical the food that we put into our bodies has a direct correlation on how we look and feel. She taught me how to cook healthy meals, use fresh ingredients instead of processed foods, and to always be active, whether it was working out or simply going outside for fresh for a walk.

4. How did their lesson change your life?

In my early twenties I began to develop a plethora of health problems including gastro-intestinal issues, skin problems, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and joint pain. I looked like crap and felt even worse, it was as if I had lost control of my body. I was in a dark place and ended up quitting my job and moved to Switzerland for 8 months where I spent time with my Stepmother, Annatina, and she really worked with me on my diet and eating habits, along with being more active and helping me to reduce my stress and anxiety. When I returned back to the States, I was 7 pounds lighter (without dieting and intense exercising) and 100% happier, no sign of anxiety and sleeping like a baby. I realized that living a healthier lifestyle didn’t mean that I had to make drastic changes to my life, it was all about making simple choices that would lead to big results in the long run.

5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?

Yes, I am a mentor and currently working on creating a non-profit organization to help girls ages 8 – 18. One of the major factors of the organization will focus on health and wellness, as you cannot live a full life if you are not healthy. I want them to take pride in having a healthy body and take pride in making sure that they make right choices to keep it safe and healthy (like getting exercise, eating healthy, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and staying away from risky behaviors).

6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?

If you want to have a life that’s worth living, you have to make sure that your body is up for it.

7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?