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Trade in chocolates for a little exercise this Valentine’s Day. This Austin sports medicine team has compiled a list of ten activities for couples to engage in for both romance and physical fitness.
It’s hard to picture Valentine’s Day without the box of chocolates, extravagant dinners and indulgent desserts, but it’s important that one day doesn’t completely derail fitness goals. In fact, it’s highly beneficial that couples take another approach to the special day altogether. Instead of excessive calories, try a work out date with your significant other this February 14th.
“There are many different advantages to exercising with your romantic partner,” said Dr. Martha Pyron, owner of Medicine in Motion. “Activity dates with your significant other can help add balance to your exercise routines, assist with proper form, and develop a common interest, which can lead to greater motivation and support.”
Make the pledge to turn this Valentine’s Day from calorie-filled to calorie-burning. Here are a few fun (and often romantic) suggestions for a fitness date from the Austin sports medicine team at Medicine in Motion:
1. Bowling. While not the most strenuous of activities, infrequent bowlers will find themselves using muscle groups they don’t often hit.
2. Yoga. Take a class together, use an application on your smart phone, or pop in a DVD. Not only is yoga a great workout, it will also help partners tune out the rest of the world, which is the perfect mindset for a date.
3. Ballroom dancing. Dance may not be intuitive for every guy (or girl) out there, but the romance factor of this activity is worth the effort of a few lessons.
4. Golf. This is one of the best ways to spend quiet and quality time together. Golf games tend to last a while, so there’s ample time for flirting and a rewarding kiss for those great shots.
5. Bicycling. Even if one or both don’t own a bike, most towns have a rental shop. Not only is this a great way to burn calories, but it’s also better on the environment. Pick a scenic route and turn the experience into a sight-seeing adventure.
6. Batting cages. Not the best at baseball? Worst case scenario is that one or both will get in a few laughs, and that’s great exercise for the abdominal muscles.
7. Rock climbing. Most people don’t have experience with climbing, but bigger cities almost always have an indoor rock climbing facility for beginners. It’s a great workout and a great lesson in trusting a partner.
8. Hike. If still wanting to include food on the date, pack a romantic picnic and take a hike through the woods.
9. Beach. Whether playing a round of beach volleyball, going for an ocean swim, or just frolicking along the sandy beaches, it’s all exercise and fun.
10. Row boat. Rent a row boat, canoe or kayak for two. The paddling is an excellent upper-body workout, but leave ample time to drift along the water to enjoy the romantic backdrop.
Medicine in Motion (MIM) specializes in providing top quality sports medicine in Austin, Texas, for athletic individuals of all ages and levels. The staff at MIM believes active bodies are healthy bodies, therefore it is the office’s goal to keep patients energetic and fit. To that end, MIM provides treatment of injuries and illnesses, including the use of physical rehabilitation; promotes healthy living with personal training and nutrition coaching; and offers comprehensive sports medicine evaluations to optimize health, activity level and sports performance. For more information or for questions regarding sports medicine in Austin, contact Medicine in Motion at 512-257-2500 or visit the website at