By Diana Maria
You often would come across certain parents that linger over their kids and jump over even at some of their slightest things they do in their daily chores. They simply do not expect and forgive their simplest mistakes they commit and such parents are in large numbers. On the other side you have powerful parents who very well understand that their children would learn while they commit any small or big mistake in their lives. Speaking in terms of development it is fair to see kids becoming more and more reliant and independent with their growing age. Parents need to find midways and balance their lives to up bring their kids in order to make them self reliant. If you are worried as a parent as to what steps you need to follow to make your kids independent, check out these steps as discussed below:
Let your kids take some decisions
Even kids have the power of making good decisions provided you give them some opportunities. For instance, allow them to decide between the blue and red shirt or in between the cheese sandwich or the butter sandwich. As kids grow you can ask them to take few decisions with certain small or without any guidance. They can even express their desire to get engaged themselves for instance they can easily decide on hiring a math tutor for them or to which friends they should stay together, etc. You may be discouraged to allow your kids taking these decisions; however, allowing them sometime can really help them to grow. Even though if they commit mistakes while taking such decisions but doing this will certainly help them in learning from the same.
Motivate your kids to try out certain jobs on their own
Though it may sound a big strange but kids are supposed to get engaged in some responsible tasks as well. In this way they would learn from the given responsibility. This could include things like packing their own bags and making their own beds. These things could be the best ways to begin with. The older kids can be given bigger tasks as well, like cooking or making them responsible for doing their own homework without the parents checking. With these things you can see children coming one step ahead and asking to participate in different things you do, however, you need to be smart enough to decide which tasks to allocate and which one to avoid. By adding responsibility over their shoulders can really help them to grow and even learn from their mistakes.
Become your kid’s coach instead of being his sage
If you see your kids asking questions about certain things to do or asking the action plan for any particular situation, at times instead of replying them certain answers, asking questions can prove fruitful to you. You can pose the same question to your child and just try to know how they would react at that particular situation. By doing this, you can certainly help your kid to unlock a number of answers in the brain of your kid. Hence the next time when you see your kid approaching you with certain situation, he would certainly try to use his brain and put his step forward to become self reliant.
Try to be a good support system of your child
At times this can prove out to be a cheering thing for your kids while rest of the time it can mean to motivate them to try once again. Indeed the kids when they really need your help should realize the fact that they can easily count on you. So make sure you teach them to seek your help whenever they feel they really require it. This is only possible when you make them as your friend, which can help them to share all the things they do in their daily chores. At such junctures, they will never hesitate to share even something challenging and dangerous things as well with you. So, when they finally come to ask your help you are supposed to be their perfect support system as it helps in making them feel more protected.
Motivate them for healthy risk taking things
Assure your kid that making certain decisions on their own is okay to you. We all know doing certain things the first time may not be a perfect thing at one go, which even applies for the adults. However, it shouldn’t deter you to allow your kids to try out the healthy risk taking things. It may be natural to see parents shielding their kids for certain risky taking tasks, however, if you do so you are actually snatching away the opportunity to become confidence and self reliant.
Final words
Seeing a self-reliant child in this fast and busy world has become a compulsion rather than obligation for the modern day parents. The above steps can really help them in becoming a self reliant kid.
– Diana Maria is a freelance journalist who has been writing about mobile technology, customer relationship management and women’s health for more than a decade. These days she is busy to contributes on