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62 Signs and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Men and Women, a new report on the site Vkool.com shows simple and easy ways to recognize if someone is suffering from depression or anxiety disorders. In the first part of this report, people will discover warning signs and symptoms of depression in men and women such as:
* Difficulty in maintaining looks and appearance: women who have depression cannot maintain looks and figure. They can stop wearing makeup without reason, wear sloppy or unclean clothing, or have an increase of weight fast.
* Irregular menstruation: irregular menstruation is a sign of depression in women. Depression can also be one of the factors that cause pre-menstrual syndrome.
* Lack of sexual desire: lack of sexual desire is one of signs and symptoms of depression in both men and women.
* Exhaustion and fatigue: fatigue and exhaustion or lack of energy is a sign of depression in men and who men who have unexplained fatigue
* Negative comments, mood swings, and complaining
* Loss of self-esteem and excessive crying
* An increase or reduction in appetite
* Digestive problems
* Difficulty in falling asleep or sleep disturbances
* Chest pain, joint pain, muscle aches, back pain and neck pain,
* Feelings of sadness and irritability
* Loss of interest
In the next part of this article, the author reveals to readers important signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders in men and women including:
* Emotional signs of anxiety: people with anxiety disorders have signs such as feeling jumpy and tense, feeling dread, watching for signs of danger, being angry, being irritable, and anticipating the worst.
* Physical symptoms of anxiety: people with anxiety disorders can manifest some common physical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, diarrhea, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness or stomach upset, and insomnia.
* Excessive worry: people, who have generalized anxiety disorder, often worry about everyday things or large and small problems.
* Sleep problems: anxiety disorder sufferers have difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep
* Irrational fears
* Chronic indigestion
* Self-consciousness
* Flashbacks
* Perfectionism
* Compulsive behaviors
* Self-doubt
Kienkid Pham from the site Vkool.com says, “62 Signs And Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety In Men And Women is a good report that helps readers understand more about depression and anxiety disorders. The report also covers a wide range of simple and easy ways to know if someone is depressed or anxious.”
If people want to get more detailed information from the “62 Signs And Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety In Men And Women” article, they should visit the website: http://vkool.com/signs-and-symptoms-of-depression/.