Rockville Chiropractors Answer Common Questions…..
Today, when we are always busy and hurried, numerous diseases can slow us down and stop us from reaching the desired goal. Life’s span is longer than ever, but the quality of our lives has decreased, although we have all the commodities and predispositions to not be like that. But sometimes, the modern way of life prevents us from taking more care of ourselves.
Arthritis is a surprisingly common disease, even in a younger population. The inflammatory process that damages the joints can greatly aggravate our movement, doing everyday activities, and in general, affect the quality of our lives. In the text below, Healing Hand Chiropractic experts resolve the doubts most patients have about chiropractic as an alternative form of treatment for this disease.
Does Arthritis Affect Our Life?
Rheumatoid disorders, including arthritis, are the leading cause of reduced mobility and chronic pain throughout the body. Due to less movement, many people feel like they’re limited. Not to mention this condition significantly affect their working abilities. If patients neglect the disease, it can severely damage their skeletal system, and ultimately lead to permanent disability.
Arthritis can appear in several hundred different types, but the most common division is on chronic and acute forms. Other forms are available on this link. Every fourth person with diagnosed arthritis has a severe form of this condition, which should be treated as soon as possible. Patients should ask for a chiropractor’s help when their doctor suggests this method as an addition to conventional therapies in the treatment of arthritis.
Will the Treatment Hurt?
We won’t lie to you. This method is not completely painless, especially if the cause of your suffering is in the area of the spine. However, this is a quite bearable pain. The rule all chiropractors follow is not to harm the patient, so do not worry about some sudden moves and breakages that will cause more pain.
The professional will try to place your spine or ankle by slowly massaging the painful place and returning it to its initial position. When you feel it hurts, let your chiropractor know. Chiropractors will stretch you gently, to place your body in a position where the spinal cord, hips, and shoulders are unburdened.
Arthritis in the back is one of the most common types which chiropractors can treat. More about this disorder find on this page:
If there is some inflammation of the surrounding tissues, returning to the initial position brings great relief to the patients, as they feel immediate cessation of the pain.
How Often You Should Visit a Chiropractor?
The number of chiropractic treatments depends on many factors, such as the severity of the condition, the patient’s age, the level of physical activity, and also the compatibility with conventional therapies. As for the treatment of arthritis, the adjustment of the spinal cord and joints usually occurs during the first visit, after the chiropractor gets insight into your medical documentation and the physiotherapist’s opinion.
Once the doctor set the diagnosis, a patient should start the therapy as soon as possible. If, after treatment, the patient feels the improvement, in agreement with the doctor decides on the continuation of chiropractic therapy. Frequent visits are usually recommended to chronic patients, for pain relief. The body needs continuity to regain balance and start the process of self-healing.
Can We Live with Arthritis?
Symptoms of arthritis vary. People with the same diagnosis do not have to feel pain in the same place and the same intensity. If arthritis patients work on improving the quality of life, the impact of this disease can be decreased.
However, if the healing of arthritis is neglected, the daily functioning in patients can be threatened because of the pain, the deformity of the joints, etc. Besides the regular therapy, arthritis patients have to introduce a number of changes in the previous way of life. They have to move, be physical activity, stay in the fresh air, but also to introduce healthier nutrition. Avoiding stress can significantly ease life with arthritis too. On this webpage, you can read how our body responses to stress.
After the first visit to the Chiropractor, many patients feel better. But to achieve lasting and better results in their fight with arthritis, different treatments should be combined and conducted consistently.