Q & A: Immunity

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Q & A with Dr. Michael Wald

qa1. Which of the following comprises your immune system?

a. Your white blood cells (wbc’s), aka Cell-Mediated Immune System

b. Your lymphoid tissue

c. Your immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE), aka Humeral Immune System

d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above, and more, comprise your immune SYSTEM!

2. True or False: Herbs such as Echinacea, goldenseal and Astragalus increase immunity?

ANSWER: True and False. These herbs are known as biological-response modifiers. If your immune system is low they will increase it; if your immune system is high it will decrease it.

3. True or False: 60-70% of your immune system is located in your small intestine?

ANSWER: True. The GI tract comprises the majority of the immune system within what is known as, The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue. Remember This – To balance your immune system you must maximize your nutrition. First, you need to test (i.e., blood work) your various immune systems and provide the specific balance of lifestyle factors including herbs and various nutritional supplements to kick it into high

4. True or False: As we age, our immune system(s) can both increase and decrease at the same time?

ANSWER: True. The cell-mediated immune system (the white blood cells) often decreases with aging while the humeral immune system (immunoglobulins) increases; this increase is sometimes called autoimmune disease.

5. Which of the following nutritional compounds can potentially improve (balance) immunity?

a. Ginseng

b. Testosterone

c. Plant proteins

d. Glandular supplements (i.e., thymus, intestine, spleen, liver, etc.)

e. NAC

f. Vitamin C

ANSWER: All of these can help balance protein. Here is a partial explanation – Ginseng, a group of adaptogenic herbs, powerfully modifies cell-mediated immunity. Testosterone is essential for all aspects of immunity and is anti-infectious. Plant proteins are essential for both the cell-mediated and humeral immune systems. Glandulars reduce autoimmune processes by affecting the humeral immune system. NAC is a precursor to a powerful immune modulating substance known as glutathione. Vitamin C modifies both the cell and humeral immune systems.

6. True or False: Consuming immune modifying nutritional compounds is always safe?

ANSWER: False – Immune modulating nutrients always have other effects and may have adverse effects. Their use should be based on physical signs and symptoms, lab work, medications, other nutrients and other factors.

– Dr. Michael Wald, aka The Blood Detective, is the director of nutritional services at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco, located in Westchester New York. He has appeared on ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer, Channel 11 PIX, Channel 12 News, CNN, The Food Network and other media outlets. Dr. Wald earned the name Blood Detective for his reputation to find problems that are often missed by other doctors. He earned an MD degree, is a doctor of chiropractic and a certified dietician-nutritionist. He is also double-board certified in nutrition. He has published over a dozen books with three additional titles due for release late 2013 including: Frankenfoods – Genetically Modified Foods: Controversies, Lies & Your Health and Gluten-A-Holic: How to Live Gluten Free and the Blood Detective’s Longevity Secrets. Dr. Wald can be reached at: www.intmedny.com or www.blooddetective.com or by calling: 914-242-8844.