“I’ll Start My Diet On Monday.” Two Crucial Questions To Ask To End This Addictive Cycle.
You know what you should be eating, but you don’t do it. Why don’t you do it?
The culprit is not the tempting piece of cake, the second glass of wine or the late night pizza, the culprit is the old pattern or the habit and the faulty belief system.
First, you must recognize and accept responsibility for the fact that, “I’ll start my diet on Monday,” is an excuse.
The old pattern or habit may be avoidance, laziness, or lack of motivation and drive.
The faulty belief system may be, “Dieting is too hard,” or “I will never lose this weight.”
It’s not about the cake or pizza and it’s not about the excuse. It’s the old pattern and faulty belief system which frustrate you. They are no longer in alignment with or support your desired goals of balance, weight loss, or real change. Your action and beliefs are simply are not congruent with your goals.
Kick the habit.
Newsflash, real change doesn’t start Monday, it starts NOW. Answer these two questions before uttering “I’ll start my diet on Monday,” again.
1. “Why do I even want to change?” Why do you even care? You don’t have to change anything. You can stay this weight, this happiness level or this way of being for the rest of your life. You don’t have to change at all. So why do you want to?
Your answer must be so strong, so emotionally rooted, so full of passion and desire that it hits you like an itch you can’t scratch and you must start NOW before it drives you crazy! In my group coaching sessions, I call this your ‘authentic reason.’ A falsified reason would be a desire to lose weight for a wedding or vacation. What diet do you return right after the event?
Your old one.
You authentic reason will be so true to the core of yourself that Monday start diets no longer exist. You must begin now, this very moment.
2. “Can I sustain this new habit for the rest of my life?” Every single choice, goal, or new habit you want to make should be brought in the light of this one question. If it is not sustainable as a habit for the rest of your life then it adheres to your old patterns and faulty belief systems, the very stuff you are trying to kick.
“Can I omit carbohydrates in any form for the rest of my life?” No.
“Can I go to the gym two times a week for the rest of my life?” Yes.
This mindset is unsustainable, tiresome and can impede on your larger life goals.
In what I do, this Monday-start pattern is a small piece of a much larger picture called the all-or-nothing mindset, often experienced by the yo-yo dieter. This mindset is unsustainable, tiresome and can impede on your larger life goals.
Food for thought, where else in your life do you practice the Monday-start pattern? Where else in your life to you play out the all-or-nothing mindset?
– Maya Nahra is the behavioral nutrition expert, registered dietitian and founder of My Intentful Life. She is author of ’10 Weeks’ a holistic nutrition course and teacher/coach of the ‘The Magic Pill Mindset, a revolutionary 6-month group coaching system to end yo-yo dieting and put the all-or-nothing mentality to rest. Maya is a frequent guest on local and southwest media channels including Good Morning Arizona, Arizona Midday, Sonoran Living and Tucson News 4 at 4.