Guest Post – Hannah Cotts, Going Beyond Insurance Coverage

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healthWith the majority of our healthcare spending as a nation going towards the treatment of preventable illnesses, it is more important than ever for parents to instill healthy lifestyle habits in their children. Leading by example is the first step towards protecting your family’s health. However, you may feel you need some guidance when it comes to educating yourself on these topics. For this reason, has developed a seven part resource covering actionable ways you and your family can achieve a healthier lifestyle. This includes tips on nutrition, exercise, personal hygiene instruction, and general health insurance information.

bellyThe growing childhood obesity rate is certainly an alarming trend, but does not have to become a reality for your children. And while it might not be a painless transition, now is the time to break your family away from poor nutritional choices. Positive changes can range from stocking your kitchen full of fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than processed snack foods, to limiting or eliminating sugary beverages, even juice. In addition, choosing meals that are lower in sodium and fat also helps to bring the family together while setting a strong example for good nutritional habits.

kidsexerciseRegular physical activity is also a very important part of developing a healthy lifestyle. In fact, it is estimated that 10% of the country’s annual expenditure for healthcare is linked to the lack of activity that results from children spending so much time in front of television and computer screens. And while not all children will gravitate towards team sports, the guide offers a number of ideas for staying active as a family. These include walking your kids to school instead of driving, creating scavenger hunts and other outdoor games, and providing toys and equipment that encourage exercise. Engaging in these activities with your children will not only give you time to bond, but also improve their chances of maintaining these lifestyle changes in the long term.

– Guest Author post by Hannah Cotts