Guest Post – Bharat Suhagiya, Gastric Sleeve Surgery For Faster And Safer Loss Of Weight

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bellymeasurementsmallToday’s modern lifestyle and irregular eating patterns have led to problems, like obesity, overweight, diseases, etc. These conditions are difficult to treat, hence, intervention through surgical options have become essential. More and more people are opting for weight loss surgeries and the new surgery in this line is the gastric sleeve surgery.

What is Gastric sleeve surgery?

The surgery method of gastric sleeve surgery, includes removing a portion (around two third or 60% more) of stomach with the help of stapling device done through a keyhole surgery.

The surgery method of gastric sleeve surgery, includes removing a portion (around two third or 60% more) of stomach with the help of stapling device done through a keyhole surgery. As the left out stomach looks like a sleeve and not sack, this surgery is known as gastric sleeve. The total remaining reduced capacity of stomach restricts the food intake in the stomach. Hence, the result of gastric sleeve surgery is limited food intake, reduction in the lining of stomach’s surface area, well chewing of food, which leads to maximum absorption by the body.

Criteria of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

This surgery procedure was started for people with the problem of severe obesity and this surgery allows in reduction in weight with health benefits.

• People with hypertension, sleep disorders, cardiovascular problems and diabetes can opt for this surgery, which can increase the lifespan.

• People having symptoms related to your physic, such as fatigue, reflux, back pain, task performing difficulty, etc. due to overweight, then you can go for this surgery.

• People with psychological problems because of obesity, like, depression, stress, anxiety and negative feeling, which can affect your life, can choose the gastric surgery for improving self-respect and self-confidence.

• The last and the most important criterion for gastric sleeve surgery are no results after trying all other weight loss programs attempted genuinely.

Surgery for weight loss is not an easy way to lose weight, but helps in correcting people having increased their weight due to unhealthy lifestyle and irregular eating habits.

Surgery for weight loss is not an easy way to lose weight, but helps in correcting people having increased their weight due to unhealthy lifestyle and irregular eating habits. This surgery works only with proper changes in lifestyle and implementing self-discipline with respect to choice of food and regular exercises. People suffering from hernia or acute gastro esophageal reflux disease history cannot opt for this surgery.

Advantages of Gastric Surgery

• It reduces hunger as the surgery reduces the biochemical concentrations responsible for hunger sensation.

• No foreign object left inside the body, as the band used in some surgery procedures can erode, slip or create infections.

• Weight loss achieved through this surgery is more compared to other surgeries and normal procedures, such as diet, exercises, etc.

• Improvement in various other diseases, such as, diabetes, blood pressure, sleeps disorders, joint pain, etc.

Having a bulky body is really difficult. People who have experienced this will know the difficulty in getting out of the tragic situation. The modern medical science has come up with new innovation in curing almost all the ailments including overweight or obesity. So, to prevent any further problems or new life-threatening issues, the best advice is to have a controlled diet with regular exercises. Maintain your body well to have a happy long life.