Can Pilates Play A Role In Combating Childhood Obesity?

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By Katy Reeve

boytouchingtoesAny physical activity reduces the risk of childhood obesity but there is a special reason why Pilates is considered for the job. All parents will agree that a child of 2013 is not as active as a child of 90’s. It seems hugging the couch for extended periods has its price! Let’s admit it, technology plus the lack of healthy diet is turning our kids into couch potatoes. Thankfully some schools have realized the implications of childhood obesity and they are introducing healthy activities like Pilates exercises to motivate more children.

The idea is to reverse the effects of childhood disorders that are on the rise. To be honest, obesity is not the only concern. It’s even more frightening to know about the secondary disorders that arise due to obesity. Pilates can be a healthy diversion when a child suffers from anxiety symptoms, attention deficit and hyperactivity. Since a modern child is getting lonelier and self-absorbed, a group Pilates session will be a nice opportunity to socialize and make friends.

Why Pilates

For one, Pilates do not emphasize on the spirit of competition. While most kids will love to compete, the comparatively inactive ones would feel left-out. Moreover, Pilates focuses on balance, flexibility and core strength – things that are missing in today’s over-burdened and stressed out kids. In other words, Pilates will serve as an antidote for over-weight kids as well as those who are prone to obesity.

Pilates sets the beginning for other physical activities. A child who is well-versed in basic Pilates will be motivated towards other sports later on. However they should not be compelled to pursue sports as a career. Pilates or any other sport can set the trend of a fitter lifestyle in later years during, and after child growth. An active child is less prone to getting over-weight This way Pilates will play a major role in combating obesity.

Kids Friendly Pilates

happychildrenPilates is associated with mind and body health and if kids practice Pilates exercises regularly, they can develop into healthy and strong adults. Kids Friendly Pilates exercises are low intensity exercises that focus on eliminating obesity-related issues like shallow breathing, bad posture and muscle tightness. If your child remains slouched at his computer for hours, he is likely to develop a hunched back which may persist forever. Simple Pilates poses and exercises inspire children to be more agile and straighter rather than slumpy or inactive.

Nicole Kantas, a Pilates instructor, pointed out, “The metabolic rate of an active child is higher and this reduces unhealthy fat deposition”. She further states that Pilates burns more calories from the mid-section or the core. As a result, the child gets toned muscles. Since Pilates is not similar to gut-crunching Cardio, it’s a safer way to reduce or eliminate childhood obesity.

– Katy is a blogger and a strong fitness advocate. She believes fitness and beauty goes beyond losing a few pounds of weight or applying creams to look picture-perfect. It’s more about internal care, core strength, body sculpting and feeling good inside out.