The Role Model In You – Gretchen Mills, Yoga And Conservation Teacher

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Role Model
Gretchen Mills

As part of my new web series, The Role Model In You, here is my most recent interview. The Role Model In You series discusses how individuals were influenced as a child to lead a healthy lifestyle. It covers who influenced these individuals, the changes they made in their life to be healthy, and the message they would like to convey to the youth of today. Our guests include doctors, soccer stars, Super Bowl champions, NBA players, Olympic gold medalist, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and just regular people looking to share their story. I hope you enjoy it!

1. Your name, title, and age? What do you do (or did you do) for a living?

Gretchen Mills, owner of the Key West Yoga Sanctuary, Yoga and Conservation Teacher

2. Who was the person that inspired you as a child to eat healthy and stay fit? What was their relationship to you?

My parents have been my true inspiration. Growing up, my parents were always organic gardeners. We raised our own chickens for eggs, grew much of our food to eat fresh during the summers, then froze much of it for the fall and winter. They always did the best they could to include us in the growing and the overall process of how food comes to be. As children, my brother, sister, and I never quite understood the importance of health on our bodies. I remember feeling embarrassed about the farm situation at times and usually wanted to trade my lunch with the kid who had the “junk food” next to me.

3. What did they do to inspire you?

My mom and dad grew up with two siblings, a brother and a sister each. Early on in their adulthood, they both fled their family lives to create a life that felt more natural to them, which in those times, their life vision was very unique and quite possibly weird. They wanted to learn how to raise their own food and how to nourish themselves so that they always had the ability to feed themselves in times of need and so that they could live as healthy and conscious as possible. My Dad attended an agriculture program at University in which he worked with a supervisor/professor to design a thesis focused on successful organic growing. Dad was not taken seriously and was told that his method would be impossible and his supervisor was let go due to being “too radical”. Despite the outcome of their methods, Dad went on to do what he believed, Mom stood by his side and brought her knowledge and passions forward and they created a huge, successful, organic farm which fed our family for 25 years and continues to feed much of the community through local farmers markets. Their drive and ability to follow their passions and think outside of the food industry box has inspired me to lead an independent, conscious life. It has showed me how important it is to honor our bodies, realize that we have only one, and that we have the responsibility to learn as much about it as possible so that we can be happy and healthy.

4. How did their lesson change your life?

This foundation has influenced most decisions in my life. I have become an educator, as I am extremely passionate about bringing all of this information forward. I educate through biology, ecology, and yoga and am always looking for more ways to bring about attention, awareness, and consciousness.

5. Do you convey their message to kids in your life presently?

I have one child of my own, so much of my teachings come through to her. I have also spent many years teaching 8th-12th graders and believe that it is extremely important to provide them with this foundation so that it is engrained in their cells as they grow older, and so that they can be part of the change in future generations. Education is the key and I will always be immersed in education with kids in one way or another.

6. What would be your main message to children today to lead healthy lifestyles?

My main message would be to be aware of peer pressure and to always remember to follow their instincts and hearts. Much of mental and physical health comes from being true to yourself and honoring the health and well being of your body. When we can learn to listen and pay attention to what we are hearing or observing, lots can be learned and a feeling of ease and happiness results. A perfect combination for health!

7. Do you have a web site you would like to promote….web address only?