Movement and Exercise Can Form Part of a Pain Management Treatment Plan

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Submitted by Biswajit Rakshit….

If you or someone you know has experienced chronic pain at some point, you’ll know the importance of a comprehensive pain management treatment plan. Something that is often overlooked is the incorporation of movement and exercise in managing pain. Physical activity can be a game-changer for pain management. Below we’ll discuss the reasons for this and how they can be implemented into a treatment plan.

The Science Behind Exercise and Pain Relief

When in pain, our first instinct might be to avoid any form of movement that could potentially make the pain worse. Nevertheless, research has shown that engaging in regular exercise can actually help to alleviate pain. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are our body’s natural pain relievers. These “feel-good” chemicals help to improve mood, reduce stress, and decrease the perception of pain.

Building a Customized Exercise Regimen

It is important to note that not all forms of exercise will have the same impact on pain levels. The experts at Utah-based KindlyMD say that the key to creating an effective pain management treatment plan is to develop a customized exercise routine that is tailored to one’s specific needs and abilities. This is where pain clinics can be incredibly beneficial. These clinics are staffed by experts who can help you identify the most appropriate activities and create a plan designed around your individual needs.

Start Slow, Be Patient, and Listen to Your Body

One crucial aspect of incorporating exercise into your pain management treatment plan is to approach it with patience and care. Start with a low-impact activity like walking, swimming, or gentle yoga. Then gradually increase the intensity and duration of the workouts as you get fitter.

Since you’ll be working towards long-term pain relief, it’s important to listen to your body and give it the time it needs to adjust. If you notice an increase in pain or discomfort, consult your healthcare provider or the experts at your local pain clinic for advice.

The Role of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy often forms a part of a pain management treatment plan. Physical therapists are trained to assess and treat a variety of musculoskeletal issues. They can help you build strength, improve flexibility, and restore function. They can also provide valuable guidance on proper exercise techniques and movement patterns. This can help to prevent further injury as well as promote long-term pain relief.

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Chronic pain can take a toll on mental well-being. The good news is that exercise can help to combat the psychological impact of living with pain. Studies have shown that regular physical activity can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and boost overall well-being. Incorporating exercise into a pain management treatment plan means you are not only addressing the physical aspects of pain but are also improving your mental health.

Staying Committed and Adapting Your Plan

It is important to bear in mind that when it comes to pain management what works for you today might not work in the future. Remember, your body’s needs will probably change over time. Regularly re-evaluating your pain management treatment plan is crucial. If you need additional support, ask for advice from your regular doctor or the expert pain management doctors at a pain clinic.


Contrary to what you might think, incorporating exercise and movement into your daily routine can have a positive impact on chronic pain. Nonetheless, before rushing out to run a marathon, speak to your doctor about what type of exercise might work for you.