Neil Haley, the Total Tutor host of the Simply G Radio Show, interviewed Entrepreneur and Top 10 Percent Social Media Expert in the World GJ Reynolds to get his take on the importance of LinkedIn, find out what tips he would provide people, and get an update on the new ebooks that he will be writing.
Reynolds is an original founding member in the company ViSalus and is now a 5-Star Ambassador, Vi Millionaire, and CEO of Simply G Media. He has written a book titled “The Playful and Powerful Warrior Within You!” and holds the distinction of completing the Dale Brown Challenge by working out for over 950 days straight (and counting).
In this interview, Haley explained that LinkedIn can be confusing if you don’t know its benefits.
“People were confused and would think, Hey I connected to you what do you do next?” said Haley, whose radio show guest list has grown thanks to his work using LinkedUn. “I have connected to many athletes and all the syndicated radio networks, and this social platform has helped me land really cool interviews.”
Reynolds, who uses LinkedIn regularly, said, “So many people are accessible. I am able to find a lot of the different people with different backgrounds and different occupations on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great place to conduct business and is such a huge leads’ list.”
Haley said he likes the components of LinkedIn. “You really can pat people on the back, you can promote their skills, and join groups of liked-minded people. You can congratulate your friend on that accomplishment. It’s an uplifting platform.”
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– Courtesy of PRWeb