By Lynn Munday….
If you’re someone who has lived with tooth loss or removable dentures for a long time, you will also appreciate the restored functionality that dental implants provide. Even so, dental implant surgery is a major oral surgery that requires preparation. We spoke to Implant experts Buckle Advanced Dental Care and got 5 top tips from them. So here are five things you can to do make sure that you’re ready for the big day:
- Stop eating solid foods and drinking liquids by midnight on the day before your procedure. This time may differ if you’re diabetic or have other special health concerns. You should still take prescription medications the night before and the morning of your dental implant surgery.
- Arrange for a ride home before the day or your procedure. You may feel groggy from the anesthesia and not up to driving yourself.
- Go shopping for soft foods that you will eat as you recover from oral surgery. Soup and yogurt are always good choices since they provide important vitamins without causing additional stress to your teeth and jaws. Plan to avoid hard, crunchy, and extremely hot foods.
- If you smoke, reduce or stop at least one month before oral surgery. Not only is it better for your health, but actively smoking prolongs your recovery and increases the risk of post-surgical complications. You should also plan to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for at least a week before getting your dental implants.
- Arrange for a responsible adult to help you for at least the first few hours after arriving at home. You will feel sore and may need assistance with simple tasks as you rest and recover. While you probably won’t need someone available to help you after that, it is important to rest as much as possible for the first 48 hours.
Smart Preparation Makes for an Easier Recovery
You will appreciate having made these preparations when you don’t have to run out to buy something soft to eat that first night for dinner. By taking care of the above tasks in advance, it allows you to just focus on recovery from oral surgery and flash your new smile as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions about preparation for dental implant surgery.