Author Interview – Dainnese Louise Jackson

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authorDLJAn interview with Author Dainnese Louise Jackson ….

Why did you get into writing books?

I got into writing when I was young. I still remember getting an award in 6th grade writing a poem. I used to write raps for my paper and write more poems about things I experienced in life, but what made me get back into writing was when someone from my past came back into my life.  I regret it now, but that’s how I started my book Killa & Heaven, He’s In Love with the Coco

What advice can you give young authors?

Advice I can give these authors is if writing is really your passion do not give up and don’t let anyone discourage you. Prove the haters wrong. Don’t do business with these low-budget book publishers because all they want is money and all you are going to get is crumbs or nothing. Self-publish your own book.

What is your book about and what inspired you to write it?

Still Standing is telling my story. So Poetic is too, and Pain to Power is as well.  Soon, I will be working on other books!  There is a lot I want to get off my chest and lay it to rest. I plan to write more urban novels, poems with different topics, and children’s books

Where can your books be purchased?

You can purchase my books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can order only two of my books from Barnes and Noble and both will get sent to your house. But all my other books are on Amazon.