Healthy Tip # 155

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Another healthy tip courtesy of Irene Ross

fruitswhite“Please don’t minimize the importance of eating breakfast. In fact, skipping breakfast is one of the five biggest wellness mistakes. Breakfast breaks the overnight fast and will start up your metabolism. Many skip meals as a weight loss strategy, but that actually has the reverse effect: Your body interprets lack of calories as starvation and then kicks into protection mode to lower (or completely stop) your metabolism. That leads to weight gain and fatigue. You’ll lack focus and concentration so you’ll be less likely to problem-solve; even the smallest tasks and challenges will seem overwhelming. Your blood sugar levels will be unstable and, since you probably won’t make it until lunch, you’ll most likely run out for coffee, donuts or some other pastry–only to experience more of the “sugar crash.” You might even overeat at the next meal, because your body will want to make up for lost calories.”

Irene Ross