Pregnancy, What All Women Should Know

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qaQ & A With Dr. Michael Wald and Dr. Nilay Shah

1. Headaches during pregnancy can be induced from:

A. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
B. Upper cervical (neck) dysfunction
C. Folic acid deficiency
D. Magnesium deficiency
E. All of the above

ANSWER: E — All of the above – All of these can induce mild to sever migraines in women during pregnancy. To possibly prevent this occurrence, women should periodically check their blood pressure, lab work, posture, etc. and correct with the proper guidance. Blood sugar, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and other nutritional deficiencies and hormonal issues and inadequate calories can also cause headaches.

2. True or False: Lower back pain or hip pains during pregnancy may be an indicator of osteoporosis of pregnancy.

ANSWER: True – Osteoporosis (disease of the bones) during pregnancy can lead to increase lower back and hip pains. Women at risk for osteoporosis, if applicable should undergo preventative measures that include: adequate calcium intake, active vitamin D intake and performing the proper weight bearing exercises. We use sonogram bone testing that does not involve radiation as the DEXA Scan does.

3. Urinary incontinence (the loss of bladder control) can be caused by:

A. Urinary tract infection
B. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
C. Vitamin D deficiency
D. All of the above

ANSWER: D — All of the above – Urinary incontinence may be an early sign of a urinary tract infection. Pelvic floor exercises are an effective way to strengthen the muscles and possibly minimize urinary incontinence. Vitamin D intake may prevent the risk of urinary incontinence in women through its relation in supporting the integrity of the pelvic floor muscles. In addition, low vitamin D is associated with increase bacterial infections in women during pregnancy. Blood testing is necessary, along with other synergistic nutrients, for best assessment of optimal dose and absorption.

4. True or False: The intake of high dose folic acid is the only way to prevent neural-tube birth defects in newborns.

Answer: False – Folic acid is helpful in the prevention of neural-tube defects in newborns; however it appears that a multivitamin containing the appropriate doses of vitamins and minerals, including folic acid is more effective at preventing neural tube defects than folic acid alone. There are lab tests that can tell us if an individual is using the folic acid normally as well as other synergists of folic acid including B12 and B6.

5. Nutritional deficiencies in pregnant women can exhibit which of the following signs and symptoms:

A. Food cravings
B. Alzheimer’s disease like symptoms
C. Pale skin
D. Fatigue, shortness of breath
E. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above – Nutritional deficiency is pregnant women can be early signs of anemia (the decrease in red blood cells). Low iron, B12, B6, folic acid and/or other nutrients are necessary for the production of adequate red blood cells within the body. Women who are deficient in such nutrients may exhibit physical signs and symptoms of light headiness, dizziness, heart palpitations, food cravings and the inability to focus and concentrate. Pregnant women are at an increase risk of nutritional deficiency, paying close attention to early signs and symptoms are essential. We are experienced working with pre-pregnancy and pregnancy safely and effectively.

– Dr. Michael Wald, Brain-Energy Blast

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